Reverse Dependencies of num2words
The following projects have a declared dependency on num2words:
- acclimatise — Acclimatise is a Python library and command-line utility for parsing the help output of a command-line tool and then outputting a description of the tool in a more structured format
- aclimatise — aCLImatise is a Python library and command-line utility for parsing the help output of a command-line tool and then outputting a description of the tool in a more structured format
- aitutor-assessmentkit — AITutor-AssessmentKit is the first open-source toolkit designed to evaluate the pedagogical performance of AI tutors in student mistake remediation tasks. With the growing capabilities of large language models (LLMs), this library provides a systematic approach to assess their teaching potential across multiple dimensions in educational dialogues.
- api-scene — unofficial API for Subscene
- argparse2typer — Convert Python's default argparse into typer CLI
- arrendatools-plantillas — Módulo de Python que aplica plantillas jinja. Además inlcuye filtros que pueden ser útiles para la generación de recibos de alquiler, facturas, informes,...
- ASAPPpy — Semantic Textual Similarity and Dialogue System package for Python
- asrtoolkit — The GreenKey ASRToolkit provides tools for automatic speech recognition (ASR) file conversion and corpora organization.
- audio-case-grade — Library to score audio medical case studies
- auralis — This is a faster implementation for TTS models, to be used in highly async environment
- auto-vtna — A Python package for efficient and automatic VTNA analysis
- babygruut — A tokenizer, text cleaner, and phonemizer for many human languages.
- banglanum2words — Converts a Bangla numeric string to literal words.
- based-indexing — Ordinal indexing
- checkgen — Print bank checks
- compllments — Send nice texts to your friends using LLMs
- ConferenceCorpus — python api providing access to academic events and event series from different sources
- converse-sfr — A framework that facilitates creating task-oriented chatbot
- coqui-tts — Deep learning for Text to Speech.
- cranetoolbox — A package against racism around COVID-19
- cvrmap — CVRmap is an opensource software to compute maps of Cerebro-Vascular Reactivity
- cyberbullying-detection — An package to detect the cyberbullying content in the text
- django-oasis4 — OASIS4 Data Interfaces
- edu-convokit — Edu-ConvoKit: An Open-Source Framework for Education Conversation Data
- emora-stdm — Library for creating state-machine-based chatbots.
- feature-formatter — A smart formatter to translate raw text into readable text
- g2p-id-py — Indonesian G2P.
- gatorgrader — Automated Grading Tool that Checks the Work of Writers and Programmers
- giskard — The testing framework dedicated to ML models, from tabular to LLMs
- graphqler — A cutting edge context aware GraphQL API fuzzing tool!
- hardest — The HARDness ESTimation package: ranks an object detection dataset by the expected hardness of the images.
- iar-transcriber — A phonetic transcriber for Spanish language.
- ietf-reviewtool — Review tool for IETF documents
- inform — print & logging utilities for communicating with user
- jw-don-confirm — Tool for creating JW Donation Confirmations in Germany
- ls.joyous — A calendar application for Wagtail.
- m9s-gift-card — Tryton Gift Card Module
- MedRxNorm — Python module for normalizing medical prescriptions
- melottsIcanwang — no summary
- misty2py-skills — A Python library of Misty II skills developed using Misty2py library
- my-digital-signature — no summary
- naturalspeech2-pytorch — Natural Speech 2 - Pytorch
- nemo-asr — Collection of Neural Modules for Speech Recognition
- nlp-architect — Intel AI Lab NLP and NLU research model library
- numbersai — Read numbers like AI
- NViXTTS — Deep learning for Vietnamese Text to Speech
- odoo-addon-account-check-printing-report-base — Account Check Printing Report Base
- odoo-addon-account-payment-batch-process — Account Batch Payments Processing for Customers Invoices and Supplier Invoices
- odoo-addon-l10n-br-base — Customization of base module for implementations in Brazil.
- odoo-addon-l10n-ro-payment-receipt-report — Romania - Payment Receipt Report
- odoo10-addon-l10n-br-base — Brazilian Localization Base
- odoo12-addon-account-check-printing-report-base — Account Check Printing Report Base
- odoo12-addon-l10n-br-base — Customization of base module for implementations in Brazil.
- odoo12-addon-l10n-cl-electronic-invoicing — Get your customer invoices signed by SII.
- odoo12-addon-l10n-th-withholding-tax-cert-form — Thai Localization - Withholding Tax Certificate Form
- odoo13-addon-account-check-printing-report-base — Account Check Printing Report Base
- odoo13-addon-l10n-br-base — Customization of base module for implementations in Brazil.
- odoo13-addon-l10n-th-amount-to-text — Convert Amount Text to Thai
- odoo14-addon-account-check-printing-report-base — Account Check Printing Report Base
- odoo14-addon-account-payment-batch-process — Account Batch Payments Processing for Customers Invoices and Supplier Invoices
- odoo14-addon-l10n-br-base — Customization of base module for implementations in Brazil.
- odoo14-addon-l10n-it-amount-to-text — Localizza le valute in italiano per amount_to_text
- odoo14-addon-l10n-th-amount-to-text — Convert Amount Text to Thai
- odoo8-addon-l10n-br-base — Brazilian Localization Base
- odoo8-addon-l10n-ca-account-check-writing — Canada - Check Writing
- odoo9-addon-l10n-br-base — Brazilian Localization Base
- OEISsequences — Python functions to generate OEIS sequences
- openphonemizer — Permissively licensed, open sourced, local IPA Phonemizer (G2P) powered by deep learning.
- ovos-tts-plugin-silero — Silero TTS plugin for OpenVoiceOS
- petprep-extract-tacs — PETPrep Extract Time Activity Curves Workflow
- petprep-hmc — PETPrep Head Motion Correction Workflow
- plover-vim — (mostly) single stroke vim commands
- pmma — Python Multi-Media API (PMMA) is a multi-purpose API designed to make working on multi-media projects easier and faster!
- py-nltools — A collection of basic python modules for spoken natural language processing
- pybangla — pybangla is the bangla text normalizer tool, it use for text normalization like word to number and date formating purposes
- pybids — bids: interface with datasets conforming to BIDS
- pybids-reports — pybids-reports: report generator for BIDS datasets
- pygenda — An agenda application inspired by Agenda programs on Psion PDAs.
- pyLookupParser — no summary
- pyoptimus — Optimus is the missing framework for cleaning and pre-processing data in a distributed fashion.
- readability-improver — Remove all your magic numbers and make your code 1000% more readable!
- report-ranger — Create a report using markdown files.
- rfc-generator — Generate RFC for PF and PM given input information
- rutts — russian text to speech
- satdigitalinvoice — GUI APP to Generate CFDI
- sentence-mixing — Sentence mixing library
- setech — Setech utilities
- shaperglot — Test font files for OpenType language support
- snips-nlu — Snips Natural Language Understanding library
- spa2num — Spanish word converter to numerical digits
- speakerpy — `SpeakerPy` - это Python-библиотека для синтеза речи, основанная на моделях Silero Text-to-Speech.
- spoken-time — Format dates and times for TTS
- spoteno — spoteno is a library for spoken text normalization for ASR
- stopes — Large-Scale Translation Data Mining.
- strings-fuzz — A flexible fuzzy name matcher, with multi-language support, that finds best matches between two sets using the edit distance method
- style-bert-vits2 — Style-Bert-VITS2: Bert-VITS2 with more controllable voice styles.
- subsearch — Subsearch
- subtitle-sync — no summary
- supercontrast — supercontrast is a package for unifying machine learning models across providers
- swachhdata — Data cleaning made easy with swachhdata