Reverse Dependencies of nptyping
The following projects have a declared dependency on nptyping:
- a2rl — Make recommendations for sequential decision problems using offline data
- adasigpy — Adaptive Signal Processing Package in Python
- APalysis — no summary
- asciify-it — Convert your images to awesome ASCII arts!
- astrostarfish — Covariance tools for fitting stellar spectra
- attacut — Fast and Reasonably Accurate Word Tokenizer for Thai
- autotst — Two-samples Testing and Distribution Shift Detection with AutoML
- avalon-rl — Avalon: A Benchmark for RL Generalization Using Procedurally Generated Worlds
- bjsfm — Bolted Joint Stress Field Model
- blobmodel — Two dimensional model of propagating blobs
- brainflow — Python Binding for BrainFlow
- BrainflowCyton — Python wrapper for BrainFlow API + Cyton SDK for collecting realtime or offline (SDCard) EEG, EMG, EKG data.
- braingeneers — Braingeneers Python utilities
- btf-extractor — Extract UBO BTF archive format(UBO2003, ATRIUM, UBO2014).
- candlelight — no summary
- check-your-heuristic — Small library which aim is to check your dataset for being solved by simple heuristics. Multilingual!
- classy-blocks — Python classes for easier creation of openFoam's blockMesh dictionaries.
- clusterxplain — Provide feature relevance scores fo clustering.
- control-vegas — A Control Variate wrapper over the vegas python package.
- covvvr — COntrol Variate & Vegas Variance Reduction package for Monte Carlo integration.
- cuda-hybrid — Run ABM/FCM models on CUDA cores
- cuda-hybrid-CUDA-HYBRID — Run ABM/FCM models on CUDA cores
- curibio.sdk — CREATE A DESCRIPTION
- cybotrade-indicators — This library provides a set of technical analysis indicators that can be used to craft trading strategies.
- del-ls — no summary
- derm-tiff — Utilities for tiff images created by DermAnnotation
- EasyNN — EasyNN is a python package designed to provide an easy-to-use neural network. The package is designed to work right out of the box, while also allowing the user to customize features as they see fit.
- evops — Evaluation of Plane Segmentation.
- eyepie — A python package to read, analyse and visualize OCT and fundus data form various sources.
- eyepy — A python package to read, analyse and visualize OCT and fundus data form various sources.
- fave-measurement-point — A library for defining and evaluating formant measurement point heuristics.
- femr — Framework for Electronic Medical Records. A python package for building models using EHR data.
- femr-cuda — Framework for Electronic Medical Records. A python package for building models using EHR data.
- femr-oldcpu — Framework for Electronic Medical Records. A python package for building models using EHR data.
- fintime — Financial Time Series Plotting Libarary
- gen-trace — Generate interpolate1d (trace) for a cmat
- — An open-source toolkit for large-scale genomic analysis
- gnatss — Community Seafloor Global Navigation Satellite Systems - Acoustic (GNSS-A) Transponder Surveying Software
- gradient-cli — A CLI for maxludden/maxgradient
- gym-lartpc — Openai-gym compatible reinforcement learning env for lartpc data
- harpy-analysis — single-cell spatial proteomics analysis that makes you happy
- IFEM-to-VT — Convert between different mesh data formats
- ifoam — Python Interface to OpenFOAM Case (Configured Using YAML)
- image2gcode — image2gcode: convert an image to gcode.
- instanseg — Evaluation of Plane Segmentation.
- jaeger — Controllers for the SDSS-V FPS
- kwarray — The kwarray module
- LightBerries — A wrapper for rpi_ws281x that does all the heavy lifting for you.
- litds — litds
- luga — Sensing the language of the text using Machine Learning
- lvmguider — LVM guiding and focusing
- mantarray-file-manager — Finds and opens Mantarray files.
- mantarray-waveform-analysis — Tools for analyzing waveforms produced by a Mantarray Instrument
- mantic — Command-line tools to facilitate se-mantic versioning.
- markov-groove — Generate drum loops by using hidden markov chains.
- matplotlib_inline_labels — Inline line labels for matplotlib with automatic positionning
- mesh2depth-gpu — Fast depthmap generation using headless rendering
- metrics-as-scores — Interactive web application, tool- and analysis suite for approximating, exploring, understanding, and sampling from conditional distributions.
- metta — Micro-service framework for real-time machine learning applications
- minipti — Provides algorithm and GUI for photo thermal interferometry and 3x3 couplers
- mir-flare — Fast Learning of Atomistic Rare Events
- mlcvzoo-darknet — MLCVZoo Darknet Package
- mlcvzoo-tf-classification — MLCVZoo TF Classifcation Package
- mlcvzoo-yolox — MLCVZoo YOLOX Package
- mldiag — A framework to diagnose ML models
- ned — entity linking, named-entity disambiguation, record linkage
- new-fave — New Vowel Extraction Suite
- nightskycam — taking pictures at night
- ocrd-fork-tfaip — Python-based research framework for developing, organizing, and deploying Deep Learning models powered by Tensorflow.
- OkBloomer — An implementation of the OkBloomer algorithm, an autoscaling Bloom filter with ultra-low memory footprint for Python.
- pathaia — procedures for wsi analysis
- pecanpy — A parallelized, efficient, and accelerated node2vec
- policyengine-canada — Microsimulation model for Canada's tax-benefit system.
- policyengine-italy — Microsimulation model for Italy's tax-benefit system.
- polykin — A polymerization kinetics library.
- Pulse3D — Pulse3D Analysis Platform
- pupil — Active learning platform
- Py-Rate — A Python tool for estimating velocity and cumulative displacement time-series from Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data.
- py2shpss — A Python implementation of two-stage HPSS (a singing voice extraction method)
- pycharmers — A collection of useful python programs.
- pycolormap-2d — A Python package mapping 2D coordinates to colors based on different 2D color maps.
- pyece — Tools for working with markup elements
- pyfracgen — Python Fractal Generation is a package for generating aesthetic fractal images quickly and (hopefully) easily
- pyhgtmap — Creates OpenStreetMap suitable contour lines from NASA SRTM data
- Python-Charmers — A collection of useful python programs.
- python-sand — Processing sensor and video data made easy
- pytrans — Generation of potentials and waveforms for trapped ions
- pyzfn — micromagnetic post processing library
- qaa — Quasi-Anharmonic Analysis
- rabasar — Ratio-Based Multitemporal SAR Images Denoising - A (Pol/In)SAR image stack speckle reduction algorithm.
- radiocc — Radio occultations
- rapid-models — Python package (Reciprocal Data and Physics models - RaPiD-models) to support more specific, accurate and timely decision support in operation of safety-critical systems, by combining physics-based modelling with data-driven machine learning and probabilistic uncertainty assessment.
- rassine — RASSINE astronomy tool
- rdapy — Redistricting analytics in Python
- ream2 — An actor architecture for research software
- rescupy — RESCUPy is a Python interface for the material simulation tool RESCU+ and the transport simulation tool NanoDCAL+.
- screwmpcpy — Dual Quaternion based MPC generating screw motion for n-DOF robot arm.
- shapeaxi — Shape Analysis Exploration and Interpretability
- sign-prosody-extraction — Code and command-line tool for "Automated Extraction of Prosodic Structure from Unannotated Sign Language Video" (Sevilla et al., 2024).
- skrewmpcpy — Dual Quaternion based MPC generating skrew motion for n-DOF robot arm.