Reverse Dependencies of notion-client
The following projects have a declared dependency on notion-client:
- 0xble-utils — no summary
- audio-journal — CLI tool to transcribe audio and store it in Notion
- auto-notion-py — Notion automation package
- autonote — Automate taking notes
- basic-notion — Client-agnostic model wrapper for Notion API
- cached-notion — no summary
- camel-ai — Communicative Agents for AI Society Study
- clslq — Connard's python library.
- data2notion — Synchronize your data with a Notion database
- dnullproject-iot — 0.1.0
- docution — Auto-document your API reference on Notion.
- douban2notion — 自动将豆瓣电影和豆瓣读书同步到Notion
- fsspec-notion — fsspec backend for notion workspaces (
- hawkins-rag — A Python package for building RAG systems with HawkinsDB and multiple data source integrations
- html2notion — This tool can accurately convert HTML to Notion notes and is also useful for exporting Evernote notes to Notion.
- interfaces-to — The quickest way to make Large Language Models do things.
- jan883-codebase — Personal codebase for data science and machine learning projects. Includes data preprocessing, feature engineering, model selection, and model evaluation.
- knowledge-repo — A workflow for contributing company knowledge, in the form of RMarkdowns, iPythons, and Markdowns, rendered and organized to magnify research impact across teams and time
- library2notion — no summary
- lotion — A wrapper of Notion client for Python
- md2notionpage — A package to convert Markdown text to Notion data structure and publish a new page under the parent page
- mlsync — Sync your machine learning data to your favorite productivity tools
- mmdiary — Multimedia Diary Tools
- musicbrainz2notion — A tool to sync artists and music databases from MusicBrainz to Notion.
- my-common-utils — A selection of common utility functions, and useful APIs
- ncal — no summary
- nhound — Notion hound, as in nagging you to keep content up to date.
- notion-df — Notion-DF: Seamlessly Connecting Notion Database with Pandas DataFrame
- notion-df-extended — Notion modified to include more recent packages.
- notion-duplicates — Detect duplicated pages in a Notion database and optionallly delete them
- notion-exporter — Tool that allows you to export your Notion pages to markdown files.
- notion-gcal-sync — Bidirectional synchronize calendar events within notion and google calendar
- notion-graph — Generate a roam research like network graph view from your Notion pages.
- notion-hugo — convert notion page content to markdown
- notion-kit — For easy use notion-sdk-py
- notion-kit-flexible — Notion Kit but with some changes for even more convinence.
- notion-md — A package for notion2md
- notion-objects — A python library to work with objects retrieved from the notion API
- notion-to-md-py — A package to convert Notion content into Markdown format
- notion-tools — Python and pandas helpers for Notion
- notion2hugo — Converts Notion documents into Markdown format files compatbile with the Hugo framework.
- notion2markdown — Export notion pages to markdown in Python
- notion2md — Notion Markdown Exporter with Python Cli
- notion2medium — a Simple command that publishes Notion Page to Medium.
- notion2pandas — Notion Client extension to import notion Database into pandas Dataframe
- notional — A high-level interface for the Notion SDK.
- notionaut — A simple package for fetching Notion databases as pandas dataframes
- notionfier — Import markdown files to Notion
- notionflow — no summary
- NotionLab — A kit for Notion based on Notion Python SDK.
- notionmanager — A Python package for managing courses, projects, and directories with Notion integration.
- notionsci — Collection of scientific app/tool syncs for Notion
- notiontomd — convert notion page content to markdown
- obsidian-notion-sync — Sync Obsidian notes to Notion via GitHub
- paperpile-notion — Sync Notion with Paperpile
- paprika2notion — Utility to assist with exporting recipes stored in Paprika to a Notion Database.
- pinjected-notion — no summary
- pydantic-api-sdk-notion — Type Safe SDK For Notion API
- python_notion_to_md — Convert Notion pages to Markdown - Python port of notion-to-md
- rofi-notion — Quickly create new Notion pages for your databases with rofi as GUI
- rs-docs-loader — RS Docs Loader will help you to integrate different data sources
- rsrch — Manage your ever-growing list of research papers
- runflow — Define and run your workflows
- shipyard-notion — no summary
- syncall — Versatile bi-directional synchronization tool
- todo2notion — 自动将todo同步到Notion
- ultimate-notion — The ultimate Python client for Notion!
- unstructured-cpu — A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks.
- unstructured-ingest — A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks.
- weread2notionpro — 自动将微信读书笔记和阅读记录同步到Notion
- zmp-notion-exporter — This is the utility library to export the markdown, html and pdf files from the notion pages