Reverse Dependencies of node2vec
The following projects have a declared dependency on node2vec:
- BrainGB — Emory Brain Benchmark package
- bunka-superfunctions — some functions often used to do diverse Data Science Projects
- cellmaps-ppi-embedding — A tool to generate embeddings from networks
- eeg-based-depression-detector — eeg-based Depression Detection System
- euler-database — A graph database application with embedding and similarity calculations.
- graphcutting — A graph partitioning toolbox
- graphpack — A Python tool to perform graph compression and visualization
- icdcodex — graphical and continuous representations of ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes
- melmac — A package for neural multilabel and multiclass classification.
- mrtframework — The MRT framework to generate evolution roadmap for publications.
- ng-ai — NebulaGraph AI Suite
- nrl — Network representation learning in Python
- nurphy — A deep learning based natural language understanding module
- pyTextMiner — A text mining tool for Korean and English
- scTrace — scTrace+: enhance the cell fate inference by integrating the lineage-tracing and multi-faceted transcriptomic similarity information
- splink-graph — a small set of graph functions to be used from pySpark on top of networkx and graphframes
- treform — A text mining tool for Korean and English
- treform-new — A text mining tool for Korean and English
- yonlu — A deep learning based natural language understanding module