Reverse Dependencies of nnunetv2
The following projects have a declared dependency on nnunetv2:
- armcortnet — An automated deep learning pipeline for segmentation of the scapula, humerus, and their respective subregions in CT scans.
- AxonDeepSeg — Axon/Myelin segmentation using AI
- crashs — CRASHS: Cortical Reconstruction for Automated Segmentation of Hippocampal Subfields (ASHS)
- cvpl-tools — A Python package for utilities and classes related to the file I/O, dataset record keeping and visualization for image processing and computer vision.
- dg-tta — DG-TTA: Out-of-domain medical image segmentation through Domain Generalization and Test-Time Adaptation
- DLICV — DLICV - Deep Learning Intra Cranial Volume.
- DLMUSE — DLMUSE - Deep Learning MUlti-atlas region Segmentation utilizing Ensembles of registration algorithms and parameters
- fl4health — Federated Learning for Health
- lionz — A toolkit for precise segmentation of tumors in PET/CT scans.
- moosez — An AI-inference engine for 3D clinical and preclinical whole-body segmentation tasks
- mousetumornet — nnU-Net model for the segmentation of lung tumor nodules in mice CT scans.
- MRISegmentator — Robust segmentation of 62 abdominal structures on MRI T1 Weighted images.
- mrsegmentator — Multi-Modality Segmentation of 40 Classes in MRI and CT
- petu — no summary
- pyalfe — no summary
- SkinSegmentator — Robust segmentation of skin surface in MR images.
- SPACEtomo — Smart Parallel Automated Cryo Electron tomography (SPACEtomo) is a package that - together with SerialEM - completely automates the cryoET data acquisition workflow.
- TotalSegmentator — Robust segmentation of 104 classes in CT images.
- totalspineseg — TotalSpineSeg is a tool for automatic instance segmentation and labeling of all vertebrae, intervertebral discs (IVDs), spinal cord, and spinal canal in MRI images.