Reverse Dependencies of nni
The following projects have a declared dependency on nni:
- atml — Automation Toolkit for Machine Learning
- autogl — AutoML tools for graph-structure dataset
- CurriculumAgent — CurriculumAgent is a cleanup and improved version of the NeurIPS 2020 Competition Agent by Binbinchen.The agent is build to extract action sets of the Grid2Op Environment and then use rule-based agent to train a Reinforcement Learning agent.
- efficientbioai — efficientbioai is a python package for efficient deep learning in bioimaging
- FLAML — A fast library for automated machine learning and tuning
- happy-config — Managing ML experiment configuation with joy.
- longling — This project aims to provide some handy toolkit functions to help construct the architecture.
- monai — AI Toolkit for Healthcare Imaging
- monai-weekly — AI Toolkit for Healthcare Imaging
- pianno — Pattern Image ANNOtation
- PyBaize — no summary
- recommenders — Recommenders - Python utilities for building recommendation systems
- scikit-nni — Hyper parameters search for scikit-learn components using Microsoft NNI
- tuning — 调参工具
- UCTB — Urban Computing ToolBox
- xt-training — Utilities for training models in pytorch