Reverse Dependencies of neurokit2
The following projects have a declared dependency on neurokit2:
- biobss — A biological signal processing and feature extraction library.
- biopsykit — A Python package for the analysis of biopsychological data.
- biotop — Semi-automated extrema detection in ECG and respiratory signals
- cmi-biosignal-lib — cmilab biosignal library test
- E2EPyPPG — An End-to-End PPG processing pipeline: from quality assessment and motion artifacts romval to HR/HRV extraction
- ECG-featurizer — This Python package recognize patterns in an ECG and extract features
- ecglib — ECG library with pretrained models and tools for ECG analysis
- heartfelt-tools — Extract and process photoplethysmography and arterial blood pressure data from mimic3-waveforms and vitaldb.
- junifer — JUelich NeuroImaging FEature extractoR
- mergait — Read and process running gait related dataframes, ranging from raw (iPhone) activity and IMU data to footpod per-step data and music parameters.
- NeuroKit-Eda-Analaysis — A library for processing and analyzing EDA signals.
- octopus-sensing-visualizer — Library for visualizing data synchronously recorded from different sensors
- osl — OHBA Software Library
- physiocurve — Analyse biometric time series
- PhysioKit2 — PhysioKit: An Open-Source, Low-Cost Physiological Computing Toolkit for Single- and Multi-User Studies
- prominence-delineator — Physiology-Informed ECG Delineator Based on Peak Prominence
- resurfemg — A package for analysis of respiratory EMG data
- rlign — Beat normalization for ECG data.
- tempbeat — Template-based in-ear heartbeat extraction
- timeeval-gutenTAG — A good Timeseries Anomaly Generator.
- timeflux-dsp — Timeflux DSP plugin
- wuji — no summary