Reverse Dependencies of netifaces
The following projects have a declared dependency on netifaces:
- 123tv-iptv — 123TV Free IPTV
- abcvlib — Python server for the OIST smartphone-robot Android-2-Python API
- acsploit — A tool for generating worst-case inputs for algorithms
- advert-cafe — no summary
- advocate — A wrapper around the requests library for safely making HTTP requests on behalf of a third party
- agent360 — 360 agent
- aileen — The Aileen project - A data-driven service layer for Humanitarian Aid
- aiodiscover — Discover hosts by arp and ptr lookup
- alibabacloud-ros-iacer — Iacer is a tool that tests Terraform and ROS(Resource Orchestration Service) templates.
- Alpyca — API library for all ASCOM Alpaca devices, management, and discovery
- anydex — The Universal Decentralized Exchange
- archey4 — Archey is a simple system information tool written in Python
- arkitekt-next — client for the arkitekt_next platform
- ASRepCatcher — Make everyone in your VLAN ASREProastable
- assemblyline — Assemblyline (v4) automated malware analysis framework base package.
- assemblyline-v3-service — Assemblyline (v4) automated malware analysis framework - Service components.
- assemblyline-v4-p2compat — Assemblyline 4 python2 service compatibility layer
- autoassistant — An auto-assistant chat built on AutoGen framework. An integrated tool in LetMeDoIt AI project.
- autodist — AutoDist is a distributed deep-learning training engine.
- automationkit — Automation Kit Test Framework
- babysploit — Beginner Pentesting Toolkit/Framework
- bacchus — Home Server solution based on docker
- baddrop — Rebuild Airdrop
- badger-proxy — mDNS-based reverse proxy for naming services on a local network.
- black-widow — Offensive penetration testing tool
- blok — no summary
- bluefin-v2-client — Library to interact with Bluefin exchange protocol including its off-chain api-gateway and on-chain contracts
- bluefin-v2-client-sui — Library to interact with Bluefin exchange protocol including its off-chain api-gateway and on-chain contracts
- bluerpc — Python BlueRPC Worker
- boofuzz — A fork and successor of the Sulley Fuzzing Framework
- bot-net — Penetration testing tool
- bqueryd — A distribution framework for Bquery
- BTS-dji — A simplified version of the dji robomaster library with some addons. Made for the bendigo tech school.
- bumblebee-status — a modular, theme-able status line generator for the i3 window manager.
- c7n-openstack — Cloud Custodian - OpenStack Provider
- camera-discovery — A package to discover all onvif cameras on your network
- cameras-cli — Cameras CLI
- caproto — a sans-I/O implementation of the EPICS Channel Access protocol
- carthage — A powerful Infrastructure as Code (IAC) framework
- catbus — Catbus
- cbint — Carbon Black Integration Library
- cccs — CCCS common python library
- ceph-nvmeof — Service to provide Ceph storage over NVMe-oF protocol
- cepton-sdk — Cepton Python SDK
- chains — Exploratory Python Chained Generator Project
- checkmaster — Tool that checks the system capabilities
- chimerapy — ChimeraPy: Python Distributed MultiModal Data Framework
- chimerapy-engine — ChimeraPy-Engine: The Cluster Networking Engine for the ChimeraPy framework
- chrisbase — Base library for python coding
- cicada-mpc — Flexible toolkit for fault tolerant secure multiparty computation.
- cloud-pak-operations-cli — IBM Cloud Pak Operations CLI
- cloudbase-init — Portable cloud initialization service
- cloudmesh_client — cloudmesh_client - A heterogeneous multi cloud command client and shell
- connectionmanagement — Connection Management API implementation
- connord — Connect to NordVPN servers
- consolepi — Acts as a serial Console Server, allowing you to remotely connect to ConsolePi via Telnet/SSH/bluetooth to gain Console Access to devices connected to local or remote ConsolePis via USB to serial adapters (i.e. Switches, Routers, Access Points... anything with a serial port).
- containerpilot — Autopilot pattern python implementation
- cpunetlog — Display, log and plot CPU utilization and network throughput
- csle-collector — Scripts for data collection in CSLE
- cyberonix — Cyberonix is a complete resource hub for Cyber Security Community.
- cypcap — A Cython based binding for modern libpcap
- damuffin — A collection of different submodules.
- dannytrigo-onkyo-eiscp — Control Onkyo receivers over ethernet. (dannytrigo fork for bugfix)
- DashboardServerReportWebsiteSide — A website monitoring tool for performance, security, SEO, and UI
- decentmesh — Simple connection over decentralized network
- demo-package-python — This is a sample package which follows the instructions for publishing a Python package to PyPI.
- dencam — Code for MiniDencam: Polar bear maternal den observation system.
- denonavr — Automation Library for Denon AVR receivers
- depict-control — Control your Depict digital art frames (
- dev-ip — Find a suitable IP host to access local network-based applications.
- dhcpkit — A DHCP library and server for IPv6 written in Python
- digital-hydrant — Digital Hydrant Collectors
- dimensigon — Distributed Management and orchestration through RESTful, Mesh Networking and with a flair of IoT.
- distkv-inv — Inventory management for DistKV
- dj-arp-storm — play network traffic as sound
- dmb-cli — CLI for DreamBox
- dnsupdate — A modern and flexible dynamic DNS client
- docker-devbox-ddb — ddb - Erase environment differences, make developers happy !
- domain-park — DNS server for parking domains securely
- dtn7zero — no summary
- dunderlab-foundation — no summary
- dvadmin-third — dvadmin-third 插件是dvadmin的一个第三方用户管理插件,支持微信、企业微信、钉钉、飞书、H5页面扫码登录,支持扩展微信、企业微信、钉钉、飞书等用户信息类,以及SSO单点登录等功能(部分功能开发中)。
- dvinfo — A package for getting system information on Windows and Linux
- dyndnsc — dynamic dns (dyndns) update client with support for multiple protocols
- eagerx — Engine Angostic Graph Environments for Robotics
- ebs-iot-linuxnode — no summary
- ec2_utils — Tools for using on an ec2 instance
- eConEXG — SDK for Niantong devices.
- er-calvin — Calvin is a distributed runtime and development framework for an actor based dataflowprogramming methodology
- esisdk — An SDK for building applications to work with ESI
- evillimiter — Monitors, analyzes and limits the bandwidth of devices on the local network
- express-cli — Express CLI.
- ezmote-cmdserver — A small webapp which can be used for web based home cinema automation
- facts — Return facts of server
- fakts — asynchronous configuration provider ( tailored to support dynamic client-server relations)
- fakts-next — asynchronous configuration provider ( tailored to support dynamic client-server relations)
- flatpad — A simple webpage that provides a digital pad and indicates who is at home.
- fs.dlna — Youtube Filesystem for PyFilsystem2
- fullksuid — KSUID Implementation in python
- genutility — A collection of various Python utilities