Reverse Dependencies of nest-asyncio
The following projects have a declared dependency on nest-asyncio:
- nbplusplus — Fearless interactivity for Jupyter notebooks.
- nbpp — Fearless interactivity for Jupyter notebooks.
- nbsafety — Fearless interactivity for Jupyter notebooks.
- ncapi-client — Python client for NCAPI
- ncompass — An API built to enable one-line-of-code access to accelerated open-source and custom AI models.
- nemoguardrails — NeMo Guardrails is an open-source toolkit for easily adding programmable guardrails to LLM-based conversational systems.
- neno — NeNo (Network Notebooks) is a tool that allows you manage and trigger your Jupyter notebooks remotely over the network using HTTP.
- neo4j-runway — A Python library that contains tools for data discovery, data model generation and ingestion for the Neo4j graph database.
- neurocat — Interface Design for Neurocat's Research Engineer Test
- neuroflex — An advanced neural network framework with interpretability, generalization, robustness, and fairness features
- neuronsphere — Python bundle for all public NeuronSphere components
- neurotechdevkit — Neurotech Development Kit: an open-source software library designed to enhance accessibility to cutting-edge neurotechnology
- new2 — Optimizing the payment process of e-commerce
- next-ams — no summary
- next-llm — no summary
- nextagent — no summary
- nextapi — no summary
- nextpy-ai — no summary
- nidibot — Simple to install and configure bot for controlling your game servers from any messaging platform.
- nidibot-docker — Simple to install and configure bot for controlling your game servers from any messaging platform. Now available as a docker image.
- nnext — Client library for the NNext Neural search engine
- no-api-sdk — no-api python sdk
- nolanm-portfolio-package — no summary
- nollama — A terminal-based interface for interacting with large language models (LLMs)
- notebookflow — Fearless interactivity for Jupyter notebooks.
- notebookplus — Fearless interactivity for Jupyter notebooks.
- notipi — A PyPI package to deliver notifications via your own telegram bot
- ntucool — Default template for PDM package
- nwb4fp — Description of my package
- nwb4fprobe — Description of my package
- nxbench — A centralized benchmarking suite to facilitate comparative profiling of tools across graph analytic libraries and datasets
- nxlu — Natural Language Understanding of Network Topology
- odim — Simple Python ORM/ODM specifically designed to be used with Pydantic and FastAPI
- odin-messaging-bot — A NATS/STAN Bot to publish/subscribe messages.
- ogmsgui — A GUI package for geographical modeling and simulation
- ohmytofu — Client SDK to interface with the AI infrastructure at
- olympustrader — trading bot framework
- omdenalore — AI for Good library
- ong-utils — Common utilities for python projects
- open-crypto — no summary
- open-variant — OpenVariant provides different functionalities to read, parse and operate different multiple input file formats, being able to customize the output.
- openagent-py — no summary
- openagentos — no summary
- openAMS — no summary
- openlora — no summary
- orbax — Orbax
- orbax-checkpoint — Orbax Checkpoint
- osparc — web API
- OTPsy — Packages designed to detect outliers in Social and Human Sciences
- ought-ice — Interactive Composition Explorer
- ourotools — A comprehensive toolkit for quality control and analysis of single-cell long-read RNA-seq data
- outlines — Probabilistic Generative Model Programming
- outlinesmlx — Probabilistic Generative Model Programming
- pad-final-project — Final project for the 'Python for data analysis' subject in the UNAV Master's degree in Big Data Science.
- paig-securechat — PAAIG Secure Chat is a conversational AI chatbot
- palaestrai — A Training Ground for Autonomous Agents
- paloma-sdk — The Python SDK for Paloma
- panini — A python messaging framework for microservices based on NATS
- pants-jupyter-plugin — Jupyter support for Pants projects and PEX files.
- papert-lab — papertlab is an AI pair programmer in your browser.
- parallely — The simplest way to utilize multiple threads, processes, and async functions in Python
- param — Make your Python code clearer and more reliable by declaring Parameters.
- parcel-data-collector — no summary
- parcel-data-collector2 — no summary
- parcllabs — Python SDK for ParclLabs API
- parselcli — CLI interpreter for xpath/css selectors
- pasco — PASCO Python API for Wireless Sensors
- payi — The official Python library for the payi API
- PayOpt — Optimizing the payment process of e-commerce
- pgpt — ProgramEngineerGPT is an interactive command line tool that leverages the power of AI to assist developers with code comprehension, exploration, and generation. It serves as a virtual assistant that can analyze codebases, answer queries about code, and even help in setting up new coding projects.
- phantom-core — Phantom Core
- phc — Python SDK for the LifeOmic platform
- PicFetch — Receive images from the internet or local. Save them anywhere in the memory. Display a single image or multiple images.
- PicSimSearch — Python package for image search based on keypoint-based feature extraction and matching
- pinkfish — A backtester and spreadsheet library for security analysis.
- pitricks — a tool box
- pixeltable — AI Data Infrastructure: Declarative, Multimodal, and Incremental
- pjdev-op — no summary
- pjdev-pydantic — no summary
- Planetmint — Planetmint: The Blockchain Database
- plank — no summary
- plate-model-manager — Plate Model Manager
- ploomber — Write maintainable, production-ready pipelines using Jupyter or your favorite text editor. Develop locally, deploy to the cloud.
- plumpy — A Python workflow library.
- plunkylib — plunkylib - Python LLM User Navigation Kit via YAML
- pngme-api — API client used to access Pngme's financial data APIs.
- podcastfy — An Open Source alternative to NotebookLM's podcast feature: Transforming Multimodal Content into Captivating Multilingual Audio Conversations with GenAI
- poe-api-wrapper — A simple, lightweight and efficient API wrapper for
- pogo_migrate — Database migration tool for asyncpg
- polars-api — Polars extension for dealing with REST APIs
- poligon-wrapper — Add your description here
- pomace — Dynamic page objects for browser automation.
- pop-loop — Plugins that allow alternate io loops to be used to run asynchronous code in pop projects
- pricetool — no summary
- privacera-securechat — Privacera Secure Chat is a conversational AI chatbot
- privex-db — Privex's Python Database helpers and wrappers (mini ORM)
- privex-exchange — A small library for querying Cryptocurrency exchanges and other price sources
- prlps-websearch — веб поиск
- processcube-client — A Client for the workflow engine of the ProcessCube platform.
- projjetta-pipeline-nexus — Pipelines para integração de dados