Reverse Dependencies of nbdev
The following projects have a declared dependency on nbdev:
- adv-ml — A modular and easy-to-use framework of adversarial machine learning algorithms:
- anndash — no summary
- atlassianhw — Atlassian application homework
- banet — A deep learning approach for mapping and dating burned areas using temporal sequences of satellite images
- beforerr — Personal Python utility library
- bellek — My digital memory
- bellem — My personal library
- betting-env — Create a custom GYM environment to simulate trading strategy.
- BioFusion — Multilayer networks for biological multimodal data fusion and analysis.
- blender-tissue-cartography — Pipeline for tissue extraction and analysis of surfaces from volumetric mircroscopy data using blender
- cfnet — A counterfactual explanation library using Jax
- chisel-nbdev — Port of nbdev to write SCALA / chisel library entirely in notebooks
- chrisrichardmiles — Helpful tools for machine learning and coding.
- code-tokenizers — Aligning BPE and AST
- conding — Python library for analysing and modelling bonding curves. This library is managed using nbdev with application development in python param panel.
- corebridge — Bridge for Stactics AICore
- coreg — 'Notebook-based version of our coregistration tools'
- counterfactual — This project is a framework for counterfactual analysis
- datasetsforecast — Datasets for Time series forecasting
- decorrelation — An InSAR postprocessing tool
- deep-t2i — My Experiments of Text to Image by Deep Learning
- diffpass — Differentiable Pairing using Soft Scores
- diffpose — Patient-specific intraoperative 2D/3D registration via differentiable rendering
- diffusion-curvature — Fast, pointwise graph curvature
- diin-text — Basic math
- diptorch — Digital image processing in PyTorch
- directlfq — An open-source Python package of the AlphaPept ecosystem
- discontinuitypy — A python package for identifying and analyzing discontinuities for time series data.
- django-fileresponse — Serving files directly from Django
- dl-pipeline — A Deep Learning Pipeline
- dlg-home-content — model to identify tv sizes using images
- domolibrary — no summary
- domolibrary-extensions — integrate google docs with github
- dreamai-obj — Object Detection using dreamai.
- ds-tut — Base infrastructure for data science tutorials
- dslectures — Course materials for introductory data science
- dword — Deep word utilities in Python
- eccore — Functions and classes I use often, inspired by fastcore
- ecutilities — Set of utility functions used on regular basis
- EDCompanion — Faithful companion while out in the black. o7
- ElexonDataPortal — no summary
- explainax — JAX-based Model Explanation and Interpretation Library
- fast-deep-rnn — Deep Learning framework extension allowing more efficient backpropogation of gradient in a situation with branched computational graph structure
- fast-neptune — NeptuneML wrapper to quickly record data about experiments
- fastai-datasets — Leveraging fastai to easily load and handle datasets
- fastai2 — Version 2 of the fastai library
- fastbet — Create a custom gym environment to simulate simple betting strategy.
- fastcgi — A fastcgi handler for Python's `socketserver` classes
- fastcore — Python supercharged for fastai development
- fastdoc — Convert jupyter notebooks to asciidoc
- fastduck — A bit of extra usability for duckdb... inspired by fastlite and sqlite_utils
- fastMONAI — fastMONAI library
- fastrl — fastrl is a reinforcement learning library that extends Fastai. This project is not affiliated with fastai or Jeremy Howard.
- fastxtend — Train fastai models faster (and other useful tools)
- featsql — Create features with sql
- findmycells — An end-to-end bioimage analysis pipeline with state-of-the-art tools for non-coding experts
- flayout — Thin functional/declarative wrapper around the KLayout Python API
- forensicface — A package for forensic face examination
- gaspard — Helper for Gemini API
- genQC — Generating quantum circuits with diffusion models
- geowrangler — 🌏 A python package for wrangling geospatial datasets
- hepml — Practical machine learning for particle physicists
- hierarchicalforecast — Hierarchical Methods Time series forecasting
- HighResAnalysis — Analysis of High Resolution Data from CERN and DESY beam tests
- humble-chuck — Personal site
- I2T2 — Suite of useful tools for manipulating medical images.
- ifcimglib — Library containing read, and preprocessing functions for imaging flow cytometry images contained in Lightning Memory-mapped Databases (lmdb).
- ipymock — A Tool that Allows You Run PyTest within Jupyter Notebook Cells
- javiche — A JAX wrapper around ceviche to make interoperability easier. In the future it might make sense to update ceviche itself to use JAX internally.
- jax-dataloader — Dataloader for jax
- jax-relax — JAX-based Recourse Explanation Library
- jaxDiversity — jax implementation for metalearning neuronal diversity
- jaxpole — A differentiable implementation of an all-pole filter in JAX
- jovsatools — A collection of tools
- keywords2vec — To generate a word2vec model, but using multi-word keywords instead of single words.
- kicad-helpers — Scripts, templates, and examples for managing KiCad projects.
- LatePenalty — Apply Late Penalty to Gradescope Submission to Canvas
- leximpact-common-python-libraries — Python libraries for LexImpact projects
- leximpact-prepare-data — Prepare data for LexImpact
- lib2nbdev — A small library for converting existing libraries and projects to nbdev
- lib2nbdev2 — A small library for converting existing libraries and projects to nbdev
- limonata — A marvellous resource for giving your plots the perfect touch of color they deserve.
- lovely-grad — 🫀 Lovely Grad - tiny tensors need some love
- lovely-tensors — ❤️ Lovely Tensors
- malayalam-asr-benchmarking — A study to benchmark whisper based ASRs in Malayalam
- marisco — MARIS companion package and tutorials
- meeglet — Morlet Wavelets for M/EEG analysis
- metagentools — Set of tools used for metagenomics research project
- metagentorch — Set of tools used for metagenomics research project, using keras and pytorch
- mezzala — A package for soccer modelling
- ml-playground-attention — no summary
- ml-toolkit — 'Toolkit for ML code!'
- MLexamples — Machine Learning
- mlforecast — Scalable machine learning based time series forecasting
- model-inspector — Inspect machine learning models
- moraine — Modern Radar Interferometry Environment, A simple, stupid InSAR postprocessing tool in big data era
- namable-classify — no summary
- nbagile — Writing collaborative libraries with nbdev
- nbd-colab — Wrapper, resources and documentation around fastai nbdev to streamline literate programming in Google Colaboratory.
- nbdep — Generate `Pipfile` from `nbdev` `settings.ini` file