Reverse Dependencies of nbconvert
The following projects have a declared dependency on nbconvert:
- mypyautogen20240904 — Enabling Next-Gen LLM Applications via Multi-Agent Conversation Framework
- naas — scheduler system for notebooks
- namas — no summary
- namematch — Tool for probabilistically linking the records of individual entities (e.g. people) within and across datasets
- narrow-down — Fast fuzzy text search
- naucse-render — Converts course material to API
- navigate-micro — Open source, smart, light-sheet microscopy control software.
- navigate-mmcore-plugin — A plugin for access to Micro-Manager devices from within navigate.
- nb_hideinputs — A simple exporter for nbconvert (>= 7.0.0) that hides all input cells
- nb-prep — Prepares jupyter notebooks for storing stripped versions in git and sharing results with stakeholders
- nb-workflows — Schedule parameterized notebooks programmatically using cli or a REST API
- nb2hugo — A Jupyter notebook to Hugo markdown converter
- nb2medium — Python package and Jupyter extension that enables submitting Medium drafts elegantly from a Jupyter Notebook
- nb2workflow — convert notebook to workflow
- nba-analytics — A package for collecting and analyzing NBA player data.
- nbanim — A utility for displaying image sequences as animations in Jupyter Notebooks.
- nbautoexport — Automatically export Jupyter notebooks to various file formats (.py, .html, and more) on save.
- nbcelltests — Cell-by-cell tests for JupyterLab
- nbclassic — Jupyter Notebook as a Jupyter Server extension.
- nbclient — A client library for executing notebooks. Formerly nbconvert's ExecutePreprocessor.
- nbcollection — Execute and convert collections of Jupyter notebooks to static HTML
- nbconvert-a11y — nbconvert templates using modern standards
- nbconvert-article-html — Tools based on nbconvert to render a Jupyter notebook into a self-contained HTML file whose layout is similar to a LaTeX article.
- nbconvert-example-template — A minimal and pip-installable nbconvert template example.
- nbconvert-inline-artifacts — Augmentations to nbconvert to facilitate the incorporation of inline artifacts into web-able documents.
- nbconvert_reportlab — Convert notebooks to PDF using Reportlab
- nbcorg — An nbconvert orgmode-exporter
- nbcourse — Build a small website to host Jupyter notebooks as course chapters
- nbdefense — NB Defense CLI and SDK
- nbdev-steve — Writing a library entirely in notebooks
- nbdoc — Generate beautiful, testable documentation with Jupyter Notebooks
- nbexamples — no summary
- nbhtml — Save & load Jupyter notebooks as HTML
- nbhugoexporter — Export Jupyter notebooks to a Hugo compatible format
- nbinteract — Export interactive HTML pages from Jupyter Notebooks
- nbmanips — nbmanips allows you easily manipulate notebook files
- nbpretty — A tool to convert sets of Jupyter notebook files into a single, cohesive set of linked pages
- nbreport — LSST's notebook-based report system.
- nbreqs — Generate notebook_requirements.txt files for Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb files).
- nbscript — Run Jupyter notebooks like shell scripts
- nbsite — Build a tested, sphinx-based website from notebooks.
- nbsmoke — Basic notebook checks. Do they run? Do they contain lint?
- nbsphinx — Jupyter Notebook Tools for Sphinx
- nbstatic — no summary
- nbstripout-fast — Strips outputs from Jupyter notebooks
- nbswitch — NbSwitch is a tool for modifying the use case of lessons inside jupyter notebooks, pure markdown, and other file formats.
- nbtoolbelt — Tools to work with Jupyter notebooks
- nbviewer-gui — A Utility for previewing *.ipynb files in linux machines
- nbwatch — Preview IPython notebooks in your browser.
- nene — A no-frills static site generator
- nengo-dl — Deep learning integration for Nengo
- neno — NeNo (Network Notebooks) is a tool that allows you manage and trigger your Jupyter notebooks remotely over the network using HTTP.
- neo4j-viz — A simple graph visualization tool
- nerfstudio — All-in-one repository for state-of-the-art NeRFs
- nestmodel — This package contains the implementation of the neighborhood structure configuration model for python
- neurocat — Interface Design for Neurocat's Research Engineer Test
- neurosystems — A package containing all Neurosistemas Lab's codes
- new-project-orl — no summary
- newpyter — no summary
- next-ams — no summary
- next-llm — no summary
- nextagent — no summary
- nextapi — no summary
- nextpy-ai — no summary
- niclasProject — A package to convert your Jupyter Notebook
- nifstd-tools — utilities for working with the NIF ontology
- nifty8 — Probabilistic programming framework for signal inference algorithms that operate regardless of the underlying grids and their resolutions
- nlmod — Python package to build, run and visualize MODFLOW 6 groundwater models in the Netherlands.
- NMODL-nightly — NEURON Modeling Language Source-to-Source Compiler Framework
- noisepy-seis-io — no summary
- nolanm-portfolio-package — no summary
- noronha-dataops — DataOps for Machine Learning
- notebook-2-py — A package to convert your Jupyter Notebook
- notebook-as-pdf — Jupyter extension to export notebooks as PDFs
- notebook-as-pdf-abirami — Jupyter extension to export notebooks as PDFs
- notebook-as-pdf-updated — Jupyter extension to export notebooks as PDFs
- notebook2md — A package to convert Jupyter notebooks to Markdown files
- notebook2script — Convert Jupyter Notebooks to Python Scripts.
- notebookc — A package to convert your Jupyter Notebook
- notebookc-krisnadi — A package to convert your Jupyter Notebook
- notebookcv — A package to convert your Jupyter Notebook
- notebooktoall — The coolest way to transform Jupyter Notebooks.
- notedown — Convert markdown to IPython notebook.
- nrstitcher-utils — NRStitcher utils for esrf usage
- nrsur-catalog — GW event posteriors obtained using numerical relativity surrogate models
- ntdgotv-langtools — # ntdGoTV_langtools
- nuclio-jupyter — Convert Jupyter notebook to nuclio
- numan — numerosity analysis package
- numbasom — A Fast Self-Organizing Map Python Library Implemented in Numba
- nvidia-srl-base — SRL Python base package. Contains base classes, basic types, general tools, and developer utilities.
- nwb4fp — Description of my package
- nwb4fprobe — Description of my package
- nxfvars — Access nextflow variables from Python
- nxtomo — module to create / edit NXtomo application
- nxtomomill — "applications and library to convert raw format to NXTomo format"
- oae — Optimal Action Extraction for Random Forests and Boosted Trees
- oagdedupe — oagdedupe is a Python library for scalable entity resolution, using active learning to learn blocking configurations, generate comparison pairs, then clasify matches.
- oarepo — CESNET, UCT Prague and NTK wrapper around Invenio v3.
- obj-tables — Tools for creating and reusing high-quality spreadsheets
- ocean-jupyter-server — The backend—i.e. core services, APIs, and REST endpoints—to Jupyter web applications.