Reverse Dependencies of navis
The following projects have a declared dependency on navis:
- ac-segmentation — Segmentation for Axonal Connectomics
- banc — Tools for the GridTape-TEM dataset of an adult female fly's Brain And Nerve Cord
- cajal — A library for multi-modal cell morphology analyses using Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) distance.
- catmaid-publish — Scripts for publishing data from CATMAID
- fafbseg — Tools to work with auto-segmented FAFB data
- fanc-fly — Tools for the Female Adult Nerve Cord Drosophila EM dataset
- flybrains — Transforms to map between different Drosophila template brains
- NCPNet — Learning synapse-level brain circuit networks. Include training, inferring, evaluation, and visualization.
- neuroboom — A suite of python tools for visualisation and analysis of Connectomic data
- pyroglancer — Pythonic interface to neuroglancer for displaying neuronal and synaptic data
- python-catmaid — Python interface to CATMAID servers
- vfb-connect — Wrapper for querying VirtualFlyBrain servers.