Reverse Dependencies of mudata
The following projects have a declared dependency on mudata:
- chame — Chromatin accessibility module
- GmGM — An implementation of the Gaussian multi-Graphical Model
- lamindb — A data framework for biology.
- liana — LIANA+: a one-stop-shop framework for cell-cell communication
- moscot — Multi-omic single-cell optimal transport tools
- mowgli — Mowgli is a novel method for the integration of paired multi-omics data with any type and number of omics, combining integrative Nonnegative Matrix Factorization and Optimal Transport.
- mudatasets — Multimodal Datasets in MuData format
- muon — Multimodal omics analysis framework
- muvi — MuVI: A multi-view latent variable model with domain-informed structured sparsity for integrating noisy feature sets.
- pqdata — Parquet-based serialization for scverse
- pycallingcards — "Calling cards data analysis in Python."
- pychromvar — A python package for chromVAR
- pydance — Deep Learning for Single-cell Analysis
- salamander-learn — Salamander is a non-negative matrix factorization framework for signature analysis
- sc-dandelion — sc-TCR/BCR-seq analysis tool
- scconfluence — scConfluence is a novel diagonal integration method combining uncoupled autoencoders and Optimal Transport on single-cell data.
- scirpy — Python library for single-cell adaptive immune receptor repertoire (AIRR) analysis
- scLift — scevow: Excellent optimization of variant function mapping through weighted random walks at single-cell resolution
- scverse — scverse bundle
- scvi-tools — Deep probabilistic analysis of single-cell omics data.
- shadows — Low-memory data interfaces for scverse
- SingleCellExperiment — Container class for single-cell experiments
- ucdeconvolve — Cell Type Deconvolution For Transcriptomic Data