Reverse Dependencies of mtcnn
The following projects have a declared dependency on mtcnn:
- any-face — Anonymize human faces with Multi-Cascaded CNN
- besuto — library that made for besuto and made by besuto
- check-celebrity — Celebrity check Package
- deepface — A Lightweight Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Analysis Framework (Age, Gender, Emotion, Race) for Python
- deepface-batching — A Lightweight Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Analysis Framework (Age, Gender, Emotion, Race) for Python original -
- deepface-fork — A Lightweight Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Analysis Framework (Age, Gender, Emotion, Race) for Python
- deepfacesnap — A Lightweight Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Analysis Framework (Age, Gender, Emotion, Race) for Python
- dvt — Cultural Analysis of Moving Images
- face-identifier — Recognition implement with MTCNN and VGGFace
- face-mask-classifier — Detect face mask in an Image
- face-tagger — A library for face recognition in multiple images and classification of photos containing each individual.
- facecrop-thumb — Generate thumbnails of detected faces in images using Python.
- facecroppy — Smart face cropping tool for image processing
- facekit — Library to ease data collection for face detection/recognition/analysis
- facenet-sandberg — Face recognition using TensorFlow
- faceverification — A Face Verification module using keras VGGFace
- fawkes — An utility to protect user privacy
- fudstop — no summary
- keras-facenet — A package wrapping the FaceNet embedding model
- mroi-fd — Face detection wrapper using hybrid margin-based region of interest (MROI) approach."
- new-face — Face Recognition Tools
- newlandface — A Lightweight Face Detection and Facial Attribute Analysis Framework (Age, Gender, Emotion) for Python
- nvface — Forked Lightweight Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Analysis Framework (Age, Gender, Emotion, Race) for Python
- pyfacerecall — A Machine Learning Python library for face recognition.
- robobo-emotion — LibrerÃa para detectar emociones en imágenes y audio usando Robobo
- skywatchai — An API Wrapper for powerful face detection, verification and recongition for python
- vectorhub — One liner to encode data into vectors with state-of-the-art models using tensorflow, pytorch and other open source libraries. Word2Vec, Image2Vec, BERT, etc
- vectorhub-nightly — One liner to encode data into vectors with state-of-the-art models using tensorflow, pytorch and other open source libraries. Word2Vec, Image2Vec, BERT, etc
- video-facenet — Face detection/embeding/clustering for video using TensorFlow