Reverse Dependencies of mtbase
The following projects have a declared dependency on mtbase:
- mtcmd — Minh-Tri Pham's common Linux scripts
- mtgeo — The most fundamental geometric modules in Python for Minh-Tri Pham
- mtimageio — Minh-Tri Pham's extra modules using imageio
- mtnet — The most fundamental Python modules for Minh-Tri Pham
- mtopencv — Minh-Tri Pham's extra modules using OpenCV
- mtpandas — MT's extra modules for pandas.
- mtsql — Extra Python modules to deal with the interaction between pandas dataframes and remote SQL servers, for Minh-Tri Pham
- mtstreamz — Minh-Tri Pham's extension of the streamz Python library
- mtstruct — Minh-Tri's C/C++ structures that can be useful for Python.
- mttf — A package to detect and monkey-patch TensorFlow, for Minh-Tri Pham
- wml.core — Winnow's ML core package