Reverse Dependencies of msal
The following projects have a declared dependency on msal:
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- aad-client — Python Client for Packages Authenticating with Azure Active Directory
- aad-fastapi — aad_fastapi middleware backend helper for bearer verification with FastAPI and Azure AD
- aad-fastapi-dl37 — aad_fastapi middleware backend helper for bearer verification with FastAPI and Azure AD
- aad-fastapi-dlg — aad_fastapi middleware backend helper for bearer verification with FastAPI and Azure AD
- aad-fastapi-dorlugasigal — aad_fastapi middleware backend helper for bearer verification with FastAPI and Azure AD
- ace-cm — Access and save cookies from Streamlit for Streamlit
- acryl-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- adaptiveagatepy — Python APIs for accessing sequencing data in the Adaptive Biotechnologies Agate Datastore
- agent-cloud — no summary
- agent-cloud-os — no summary
- agent-context — no summary
- agent-management-system — no summary
- — no summary
- agent-system — no summary
- agent-utils — no summary
- agentbox — no summary
- agentDB — no summary
- agentvm — no summary
- ai-enterprise-agent — AI Agent simplifies the implementation and use of generative AI with LangChain.
- ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- aibuilder — Python SDK to register ML model with AI Builder
- aiohttp-msal — Helper Library to use the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) with aiohttp
- airbyte-source-microsoft-onedrive — Source implementation for Microsoft OneDrive.
- airbyte-source-microsoft-sharepoint — Source implementation for Microsoft SharePoint.
- al-microsoft-teams — A Python wrapper to send messages to Microsoft Teams.
- ams-core — no summary
- ams-python — no summary
- ansys-conceptev-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys Conceptev core
- appnext — no summary
- archimedes-python-client — The Python library for Archimedes
- arcl — The CLI for Archimedes
- async-notify — Asyncio-based Library for send notifications (messages) to users.
- auth-office365-lbx-v2 — Biblioteca para autenticação e verificação de grupos no Office 365
- authentication-factory — Implementation for Microsoft Oauth2 authentication
- auto-ams — no summary
- azauthlib — A Python library simplifying Azure Microsoft Graph authentication. Provides an intuitive interface for acquiring access tokens through interactive login, silent authentication, device code flow, and client credentials flow. Includes utilities for seamless token storage and refresh management.
- azdatalakefacade — A package to implement a singleton for azure data storage gen2
- azsctl — Simple tool that lets you work with Azure Sentinel
- azure-ai-generative — Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Client Library for Python
- azure-cli-core — Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Core Module
- azure-datalake-store — Azure Data Lake Store Filesystem Client Library for Python
- azure-identity — Microsoft Azure Identity Library for Python
- azure-identity-broker — Microsoft Azure Identity Broker plugin for Python
- azure-img-utils — Package that provides utilities for handling images in Azure Cloud.
- azure-integration — Microsoft Azure Integration
- azure-kusto-data — Kusto Data Client
- azure-simple-email — This is an experimental library to send email using Microsoft Graph API
- azuremarketplace — The Microsoft commercial marketplace SaaS offer billing SDK enables Partners and Startups to build the requirements for the implementation of transactable SaaS offers for both the AppSource and Azure Marketplaces.
- azureml-core — Azure Machine Learning core packages, modules, and classes
- azuretoolbox — Tools for Azure
- azvaultcopy — cmdline tool to copy Azure Key Vault certs and secrets from one vault to another in same or a different tenant
- berryworld — Handy classes to improve ETL processes
- bmlgraphapi — Pacote para obter tabelas xlsx do SharePoint através de seu link
- botframework-connector — Microsoft Bot Framework Bot Builder SDK for Python.
- BPMN-RPA — Robotic Process Automation by running BPMN diagram flows.
- c7n_azure — Cloud Custodian - Azure Support
- c7n_mailer — Cloud Custodian - Reference Mailer
- ca-pwt — CA-PowerToys is a set of tools to help you manage Conditional Access policies. It is a command line tool that can be used to export, import, and clean up Conditional Access policies and associated Groups
- castor-extractor — Extract your metadata assets.
- cdpdev-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- climeon — Climeon API client
- cloudicorn-azurerm — Taking Infrastructure As Code to the next level
- cloudimized — GCP & Azure configuration scanning tool
- code-context — no summary
- codegraph-agent — no summary
- cognite-gql-pygen — Cognite GraphQL Python Generation SDK
- cognite-sdk — Cognite Python SDK
- cognite-seismic-sdk — no summary
- commondatamodel-objectmodel — Common Data Model Object Model library for Python
- corgibrowser — Corgi Browser
- creaap — CREA Applications in Python toolkit. A bundle of tools to speed up the deelopment of new Python applications in Azure. Allows you to abstract a little over persistence and to manage spatial data.
- datapyrse — A package used to mimic the functionality of the Dataverse SDK.
- dataverse-api — Abstraction layer for interacting with Microsoft Dataverse Web API using Python.
- dbl-sat-sdk — Databricks Security Analysis Tool
- detectiq — A detection engineering workbench with LLM capabilities
- django-auth-providers — django-auth-providers is a django app that lets you authenticate to external authentication providers
- django-azure-active-directory-signin — Sign-in users to your Django Web app with Azure Active Directory.
- django-azure-auth — A simple Django app for user authentication with Azure Active Directory/Entra ID.
- django-database-postgresql-aad-backend — Django database backend for Azure Postgresql that adds AAD authentication
- django-microsoft-auth-sync — Django based app for Microsoft authentication of users.
- django-microsoft-authentication — Django based app for Microsoft authentication of users.
- django-microsoft-sso — Easily add Microsoft Authentication to your Django Projects
- django-msgraph_email — A Microsoft Graph Email Backend for Django using msal.
- django-mssql-backend-aad — Django backend for Microsoft SQL Server with AAD and Azure MSI suport
- django-outlook-email-backend — Ouauth2 outlook email backend for Django
- django-simple-third-party-jwt — Easy to use JWT with 3rd party login.
- djx-account — no summary
- dnv-onecompute — Python package for seamless integration with OneCompute Platform. Streamline job management, workflows, and file operations using intuitive REST APIs. Monitor job progress and efficiently handle file uploads and downloads.
- do-data-utils — Functionalities to interact with Google and Azure, and clean data
- dotagent — no summary
- dotagent-dev — no summary
- dotams — no summary
- dothttp-req — Dothttp is Simple http client for testing and development
- dotnext — no summary
- dotstat-io — Utility to download or upload data from/to .Stat Suite using ADFS authentication to connect to it
- download-pbi-xmla — A package to fetch and save Power BI tables via XMLA endpoint
- drf-msal-jwt — Connect Django Rest Framework with MSAL and JWT
- drizzutojr-vader — A library to be used with the Hashicorp Vault Vader Platform
- dvsa_mot_history — Python SDK for DVSA MOT History API