Reverse Dependencies of moviepy
The following projects have a declared dependency on moviepy:
- abcdrl — Modular Single-file Reinfocement Learning Algorithms Library
- abridge — Splice similar frames from videos
- achatbot — An open source chat bot for voice (and multimodal) assistants
- acia — The acia library provides utility functionality for analyzing 2D+t time-lapse image sequences in microfluidic live-cell imaging experiments.
- aeiva — aeiva is a general AI agent framework
- after-effects-automation — A Python tool for automating Adobe After Effects workflows
- ai2thor-colab — Utility functions for using AI2-THOR with Google Colab.
- akumasubtitler — A tool for automatic subtitling
- al-otto — The ottomatic video engine
- algorin-cli — Acceso a GPT-3 y procesamiento de documentos desde la línea de comandos.
- allen-ytconcate — My short description for my project.
- amphi — MoviePy OOP wrapper
- animateplot — Library for generate gif or video from plots
- argus-gui — Tools for 3D camera calibration and reconstruction with graphical user interfaces
- arpit — Time to get things back on track.
- artbox — ArtBox is a tool set for handling multimedia files.
- asac — no summary
- ascii-flix — A terminal-based video player that converts videos to ASCII art.
- asciiani — no summary
- asciicast2movie — generate movie (video clip) from asciicast
- asciiclip — CLI tool that applies an ASCII filter to video or image.
- ascvid — ASCII Video player.
- asoid — ASOiD: An active learning approach to behavioral classification
- async-notify — Asyncio-based Library for send notifications (messages) to users.
- atlinter — Interpolate missing section images in gene expression volumes
- audio-to-animation-video — animation library
- audioace — Downloads your favourite music
- auto-deep-research — open deep research based on autoagent
- autocut-sub — Cut video by subtitles
- automators-agent — Automators AI Agent
- autotranscribe — An auto transcription service for youtube and normal videos.
- autovid — Generate Reddit Text-to-Speech videos
- av-helper — An Audio-Video Helper Utility Package in Python
- avalon-rl — Avalon: A Benchmark for RL Generalization Using Procedurally Generated Worlds
- ayy — Add your description here
- AZConversion — 一个快捷转换文件格式的库 | A library for quickly converting file formats
- backgroundremover — Background remover from image and video using AI
- bbrl — RL library inspired from salina
- bcdi — BCDI: tools for pre(post)-processing Bragg and forward coherent X-ray diffraction imaging data
- bgutils-hddly — bigdata utils.
- bilimusic — BiliMusic helps you to download mp3 music file from bilibili video. Compared to a lot of same type applications and scripts, BiliMusic can do more, it can set metadata on mp3 file automatically.
- binary-waterfall — A Raw Data Media Player
- BiologyTools — CrossDark's biology tool
- bm-video-tools — 音视频处理工具
- captacity — Add Automatic Captions to YouTube Shorts with AI
- captacity-clipify — Add Automatic Captions to YouTube Shorts with AI
- captametropolis — Add Automatic Captions to YouTube Shorts with AI
- catplayer — MP4 player using moviepy and pygame
- ccdt — AI数据转换工具箱
- cdb-cellmaps — no summary
- — Cognitive Data Transformer for text, image, audio, and video processing
- CEREBRO8 — Recognizing facial expressions from images, videos and real-time stream
- chemkinlib11 — Chemical kinetics code
- Chocolate-App — no summary
- circrl — Tools for applying circuits-style interpretability techniques to RL agents.
- citrailmu — Convert lectures/talks from video/audio/YouTube into text (#GodamSahur 2025)
- ClassiPyGRB — Download, process, visualize and classify Gamma-Ray-Bursts (GRB) from the Swift/BAT Telescope database.
- cleanrl — High-quality single file implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms with research-friendly features
- clipify — A powerful tool for processing video content into social media-friendly segments
- CloudTrim — for trimming online videos
- clypper — Rapidly create supercuts from various video sources.
- codejournal — A Python package hackable code snips package for faster pytorch-AI development
- colabgymrender — A wrapper for rendering OpenAI Gym environments in Google Colab
- colorsofmotion — CLI-script to achieve colors of motion effect
- comeagainquestionmark — Transcription tool for video to text
- comfit — no summary
- confmap — Conformal mapping on images and videos
- ConvTool — A unified package to convert your videos or images to another image/video format. Convert a whole folder from that format to a different one, or if you prefer, convert just one! 🥵
- coolbg — A Des of coolbg
- criadorDeCortes — Para você que deseja farmar dinheiro com conteúdo de terceiros sem precisar ter esforço algum
- crop-video — Cut video based on moviepy
- CrossDarkBiology — CrossDark's biology tool
- ctm-ai — A cognitive architecture motivated by consciousness turing machine.
- curses-playlist — curses based interactive playlist creation for videos
- cut-video — Easily cut the video by moviepy
- cut-video123423 — Easily cut the video by moviepy
- cut-video2 — Easily cut the video by moviepy
- cutclip — cuts up a clip
- CyberU — Your spider tool based on selenium and an even general platform based on Python.
- dask-ec2-launcher — A decorator for launching Dask on AWS EC2 instances
- deep-copilot — gyw toolkits
- deeplabcutcore — Headless DeepLabCut
- DeepMatter — Tool for machine learning in materials Science
- deepsafe — Deep learning aided movie content moderation tools.
- Dehaze — A Haze remover using Dark Channel Prior
- depthviz — Visualize your depth for your freediving videos: Works with or without dive computers.
- dflat-opt — D-Flat is a forward and inverse design framework for flat optics. Although specially geared for the design of metasurfaces, it may be used broadly for end-to-end imaging and sensing task.
- DI-engine — Decision AI Engine
- digestvid — A tool to transcribe and summarize video content.
- Digital-Down — Multimedia Programs
- distyll-info — Information parsing assistant
- dkist-processing-common — Common task classes used by the DKIST science data processing pipelines
- dkist-processing-cryonirsp — Science processing code for the Cryo-NIRSP instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-dlnirsp — Science processing code for the DLNIRSP instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-ops — Automated Processing smoke test and operations workflows
- dkist-processing-test — Example instrument code used by the DKIST science data processing pipelines to test processing infrastructure
- dkist-processing-vbi — Processing code for the VBI instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-visp — Science processing code for the ViSP instrument on DKIST
- dlc-generic-analysis — A framework for creating analysis applications for DeepLabCut with a gui build in Qt.
- dmol-book — Style and Imports for dmol Book