Reverse Dependencies of money
The following projects have a declared dependency on money:
- atypical — Type handling and normalization for non-standard types like email, phone numbers, money, dates, etc. serializable and deserializable as JSON, JSON Schema, and Pydantic.
- bank-base-gt — Bank Parser Base Package for banks in Guatemala. Provides models and base structure
- bentodev — BentoBox Local Development System
- ctrlaltdata — A package for working with alternative data sets in a finance setting.
- french_vat_moss — Tools for VAT MOSS and Norway VAT on digital services.
- intgr-pay-api — An API for PayU allowing to integrate online payments using PayU.
- kabupy — A Python package for scraping Japanese stock information from various websites.
- moneypandas — Money type for pandas
- nlm-utils — Common utilities used by all nlm-* libraries.
- safpis — SAFPIS is a Python library to access the South Australia Fuel Pricing Information Scheme (SAFPIS) REST API.
- scrapeanything — Library to scrape data from the internet and persist it easier