Reverse Dependencies of MOCPy
The following projects have a declared dependency on MOCPy:
- astroquery — Functions and classes to access online astronomical data resources
- astrosurveyutils — Astronomical survey utilities
- gwemopt — A python package for GW-EM Followup Optimization
- hats — Hierarchical Adaptive Tiling Scheme Catalog
- healpix-alchemy — SQLAlchemy extensions for HEALPix spatially indexed astronomy data
- hipscat — Hierarchical Progressive Survey Catalog
- ipyaladin — no summary
- mock-event-generator — Re-create gravitational wave pipeline events by time-shifting existing ones.
- nazgul — A code for fitting random Fourier features to time-seires for the IPN
- nenupy — NenuFAR Python package
- nuztf — Package for multi-messenger correlation searches with ZTF
- sdss-target-selection — Code to perform target selection for BHM/MWM using catalogdb
- tilepy — Computation of the tiling scheduling of large localization uncertainty region event with multi-wavelength pointing telescopes.
- tom-nonlocalizedevents — Reusable TOMToolkit app to support gravitational wave superevent and other nonlocalized event EM follow-up observations.
- xstatix — Space and Time Algorithm for Transients In X-rays