Reverse Dependencies of mockito
The following projects have a declared dependency on mockito:
- akride — Data Explorer Client SDK
- beets-extended-metadata — beets plugin to use custom, extended metadata
- cellarium-cas — Cellarium Cell Annotation Service client tool
- cirq-iqm — Google Cirq adapter for IQM's quantum architectures
- cnd-event-logger — The definitive tools to log event when you build IaaS
- cnd-vault — Tools to read/write secret
- conversationalspacemapapp — Generate conversational space maps for interview data.
- daq-config-server — A service to put and get your config values from
- dewdl — Request and data manager for interfacing with the UDL
- dfplayer-card-manager — A package for managing SD cards that are meant to be used in DFROBOT DfPlayer Mini card readers.
- dnxsso — Sync up AWS CLI v2 SSO login session to legacy CLI v1 credentials
- EPAB — Etcher's Python Application Builder
- fastpack — Module to help initialize Python projects
- Fumagalli-Motta-Tarantino-2020 — Implements the models presented in Fumagalli et al. (2020)
- iqm-cortex-cli — CLI for managing user authentication when using IQM quantum computers
- jmetalpy — Python version of the jMetal framework
- libica — Python SDK for Illumina Connected Analytics
- libumccr — UMCCR Reusable Python modules
- memcache_wrapper — A Python function wrapper to cache method results using memcache
- nexgen — Next Generation Nexus Generator
- plonemeeting.portal.core — Plonemeeting decisions publication portal
- pyriandx — API client CLI/SDK for PierianDx web services
- pysmad — Python package for space mission analysis and design
- qiskit-iqm — Qiskit adapter for IQM's quantum architectures
- qPyUtils — no summary
- timed-audio-player — An audio player that will play audio files in a directory for a specified amount of time.
- trevi — no summary
- wg-federation — A client/server tool to securely auto-register peers to a wireguard VPN
- yawsso — Yet Another AWS SSO - sync up AWS CLI v2 SSO login session to legacy CLI v1 credentials
- ychaos — Python module ychaos