Reverse Dependencies of mock
The following projects have a declared dependency on mock:
- 0x-web3 —
- a2ml — A powerful API to Automate Machine Learning workflows from multiple vendors.
- aat — Algorithmic trading library
- abc-graphene-sqlalchemy — Custom Extension of the original Graphene SQLAlchemy integration
- ablator — Model Ablation Tool-Kit
- acd-tools — Rockwell ACD File Tools
- acts — Android Comms Test Suite
- adamatics-keycloak — adamatics-keycloak is a Python package providing access to the Keycloak API, forked from the python-keycloak package.
- adanet — adanet is a lightweight and scalable TensorFlow AutoML framework for training and deploying adaptive neural networks using the AdaNet algorithm [Cortes et al. ICML 2017](
- adi-notebook — adi-notebook, use ADI-backboned method in a notebook.
- Adjacency — Computer Vision algorithm implementations
- ads — A Python module for NASA's ADS that doesn't suck.
- advent-cli — Advent of Code command-line interface.
- agentserver — A server for managing monitoring agents
- ai-flow-nightly — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- ai4bharat-transliteration — Indic-Xlit: Transliteration library for Indic Languages. Conversion of text from English to 21 languages of South Asia.
- aid-push — Push notifications for APNS (iOS) and GCM (Android)
- aiflows — aiFlows implements the abstraction of Flows proposed in "Flows: Building Blocks of Reasoning and Collaborating AI" and greatly simplifies the design and implementation of complex (work)Flows involving humans, AI systems, and tools.
- aigc-evals — aigc_evals
- aiida-gulp — AiiDA plugin for running the GULP MD code
- aiida-icl — AiiDA plugin interfacing with the Imperial College London cx1 HPC
- aiida-qeq — AiiDA plugin for computing electronic charges on atoms using equilibration-type models (QEq, EQEq, ...).
- aimfast — An Astronomical Image Fidelity Assessment Tool.
- aio-apiclient — Async helper to work with HTTP APIs
- aio-geojson-client — An async GeoJSON client library.
- aio-geojson-generic-client — An generic async GeoJSON client library.
- aio-geojson-geonetnz-quakes — An async GeoJSON client library for GeoNet NZ Quakes feed.
- aio-geojson-geonetnz-volcano — An async GeoJSON client library for GeoNet NZ Volcanic Alert Level feed.
- aio-geojson-nsw-rfs-incidents — An async GeoJSON client library for NSW Rural Fire Service Incidents.
- aio-geojson-usgs-earthquakes — An async GeoJSON client library for the U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Program.
- aio-georss-client — An async GeoRSS client library.
- aiodataloader — Asyncio DataLoader implementation for Python
- aiodataloader-next — Asyncio DataLoader implementation for Python
- aiodataloader-ng — Asyncio DataLoader implementation for Python
- aiostomp — Stompt Client for Asyncio applications
- aiotrino — Asyncio client for the Trino distributed SQL Engine
- airflow-declarative — Airflow DAGs done declaratively
- airflow-docker — An opinionated implementation of exclusively using airflow DockerOperators for all Operators
- airflow-docker-helper — A light sdk to be used by the operators in airflow-docker and in task code to participate in host/container communication.
- airpyllution — A package which provides various functionalities on air pollution data.
- airtablemock — Mock library for the airtable python client
- ait-dsn — AIT DSN provides APIs for connecting to the Deep Space Network (DSN) via the Space Link Extension interfaces.
- aita — AI Powered Data Platform
- ak-androguard — A fork of official Androguard project. Androguard is a full python tool to play with Android files.
- ak-apkid — Android Package Identifier
- alastria-identity — no summary
- alauda — Alauda CLI
- alauda-pytest — pytest: simple powerful testing with Python
- — PlatON alaya network SDK
- alcli — The Alert Logic Command Line Utility (CLI).
- alembic-verify — A library to verify migrations and models are in sync.
- alertlogic_cli — Command Line Client for Alertlogic Services.
- alertlogic-sdk-definitions — The Alert Logic API definitions.
- alertlogic-sdk-python — Alert Logic Software Development Kit for Python.
- alfeios — Enrich your command-line shell with Herculean cleaning capabilities
- alibaba-cloud-python-sdk-v2 — Alibaba Cloud Python SDK 2.0
- alkali — alkali is a simple database engine
- almanak — A powerful Python SDK for developing and deploying autonomous DeFi agents. Features agent-based modeling, state machine architecture, and non-custodial execution through Safe smart accounts
- alo7-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- altena — Feature extraction for categorical variables
- alteryx-open-src-update-checker — an update checker for alteryx open source libraries
- ambisafe-tenant — Ambisafe-tenant server client library
- amo-validator — Validates add-ons for Mozilla products.
- amplitude-tracker — The hassle-free way to integrate amplitude into any python application.
- amundsen-common — Common code library for Amundsen
- amundsen-databuilder — Amundsen Data builder
- amundsen-databuilder-azure — Amundsen Data builder
- amundsen-databuilder-neo4j4 — Amundsen Data builder
- amundsen-frontend — Web UI for Amundsen
- amundsen-metadata — Metadata service for Amundsen
- amundsen-metadata-neo4j4 — Metadata service for Amundsen
- amundsen-search — Search Service for Amundsen
- analog — analog - Log Analysis Utility
- analytics-python — The hassle-free way to integrate analytics into any python application.
- aniffinity — Calculate affinity between anime list users
- annotator — Database backend for Annotator (
- annotator_store — Django application to act as an annotator.js 2.x annotator-store backend
- anomalyHTM — Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing
- ansutr-transliteration — Indic-Xlit: Transliteration library for Indic Languages. Conversion of text from English to 21 languages of South Asia.
- antinex-client — AntiNex Python client
- antinex-core — AntiNex publisher-subscriber core for processing training and prediction requests for deep neural networks to detect network exploits using Keras and Tensorflow in near real-time.
- antinex-utils — AntiNex Utilities for Keras and Tensorflow
- antonio-pkg — Example for releases.
- anyconfig-cbor-backend — Backend module for python-anyconfig to load and dump CBOR data
- anycorn — A fork of Hypercorn that uses AnyIO
- apache-airflow-zack — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apache-beam — Apache Beam SDK for Python
- apache-beam-ai2 — A FORK! for testing with different dill version
- APASVO — A graphical tool to perform event detection/picking in seismic traces.
- ApiQlient — Quickly create REST clients
- apkid — Android Package Identifier
- apls — CosmiQ Works APLS Metric Implementation
- appengine-python-standard — Google App Engine services SDK for Python 3
- appengine-python-standard-tbafork — Google App Engine services SDK for Python 3
- appenlight — appenlight
- AppPath — A package for easing return of multiple values
- appqos — App QoS is a software created to demonstrate the use of Intel(R) RDT technologies (CAT, MBA) to improve QoS for applications via partitioning system resources.
- approvaltests — Assertion/verification library to aid testing
- APScheduler-ng — In-process task scheduler with Cron-like capabilities