Reverse Dependencies of mne
The following projects have a declared dependency on mne:
- agcounts — This project contains code to generate activity counts from accelerometer data.
- alice-ml — ALICE - Automated Labeling of Independent Components for EEG
- alphacsc — Convolutional dictionary learning for noisy signals.
- alphawaves — Alpha Waves Dataset
- amanda-rerp-ols — An extension of mne.stats.linear_regression
- AMANDA047 — Packaging rerp_package
- antio — Python package to handle I/O with the CNT format from ANT Neuro.
- asrpy — Artifact Subspace Reconstruction in Python.
- asrpy-eh — Artifact Subspace Reconstruction in Python.
- automatic-spike-detection — Python library for automatically detecting interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) by means of nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF)
- autoreject — Automated rejection and repair of epochs in M/EEG.
- batch22 — batch22 (b22)
- bcblib — no summary
- bci-dataset — Building HDF datasets for machine learning.
- bci4als — A complete EEG Motor Imagery Classification pipeline
- bcipy — Python Software for Brain-Computer Interface.
- benchnirs — Benchmarking framework for machine learning with fNIRS
- bestpython — A python wrapper for the MEM source method
- BiModNeuroCNN — Tools for bimodal training of CNNs, i.e. concurrent training with two data types
- biopsykit — A Python package for the analysis of biopsychological data.
- Biosip-Tools — Tools for Biosip Group
- biotuner — Time series harmonic analysis for adaptive tuning systems and microtonal exploration
- BIpy — py for BI
- borsar — tools for electrophysiological analysis, especially cluster-based tests.
- brain-pipe — Brain Pipe
- Braindecode — Deep learning software to decode EEG, ECG or MEG signals
- Brainfeatures — A toolbox to decode raw time-domain EEG using features.
- brainsight — Analysis toolkit for brain activity data.
- brainviewer — A brain viewer in Python.
- bsl — Real-time framework for online neuroscience research through LSL-compatible devices.
- CardioPy — Analysis package for single-lead clinical EKG data
- cebtp — Package for cebtp EEG and feature data preprocessing
- clamnibs — Analysis of closed-loop amplitude-modulated non-invasive brain stimulation experiments
- cloudbrain — Platform for wearable data analysis.
- Clumsy — A collection of scripts used in the Computational Memory Lab for timeseries analysis
- cmb — Cere-MEG-Bellum (CMB) - Cerbellum segmentation and forward solution calculation
- cmne — Contextual Minimum Norm Estimates (CMNE)
- cognify — DataScience environment for Insai BCI
- cohort-creator — Creates a neuroimaging cohort by aggregating data across datasets.
- concog-dreem-lib — Library for LZ complexity, wSMI calculations, and PSD analysis with EEG data.
- crosci — Biomarkers of Critical Oscillations
- ctxseg — Official package for Segmentation by Context (CTX-SEG)
- deepsleep — Sleep EEG classification
- dpeeg — Deep learning with EEG
- easyEEG — Concise, agile, and flexible EEG toolbox
- eeg-auto-tools — The set of tools for working with EEG data
- eeg-emotion-recognition — no summary
- eeg_eyetracking_parser — A Python module for reading concurrently recorded EEG and eye-tracking data,
- eeg-ml-pipeline — A Python package for EEG machine learning analysis, classification, and visualization.
- eeg-positions — Compute and plot standard EEG electrode positions.
- eeg-to-fmri — no summary
- eegain — EEG emotion recognition package for standardization
- eegAudioAnotator — no summary
- eegbase-nix-converter — EEGbase -> NIX converter converts BranVision/odML dataset to a NIX container file
- eegdash — EEG data for machine learning
- eeghdf — eeghdf is a module for reading a writing EEG data into the hdf5 format
- eegio — EEGIO: An io package for eeg data that is MNE-Python and MNE-BIDS compatible .
- eegprep — EEG preprocessing pipeline on Python
- EEGraph — no summary
- EEGraSP — Package for EEG Graph signal Processing
- eegyolk — A package for analysis of EEG data
- eelbrain — MEG/EEG analysis tools
- EmBCI — no summary
- emu-data-loader — A library to import EMU data from different centers into Python along with dynamical network model properties and other features
- ephypype — Python package providing pipelines for electrophysiological (EEG/MEG) data within nipype framework.
- ephys-anonymizer — ephys_anonymizer: Use the Viola-Jones algorithm to anonymize faces with a black box and anonymize electrophysiology data with mne-python
- ephysvibe — .
- esdap — Epileptic Seizure Detection and Prediction from EEG data
- ESINet — Solves the M/EEG inverse problem using artificial neural networks with Python 3 and the MNE library.
- esppy — EEG Signal Processing Library
- ethome — ethome - a package for multimodal behavioural recordings
- evaler — Evaler.
- ExBrainable — ExBrainable: An Open-Source GUI for CNN-based EEG Decoding and Model Interpretation
- exca — Execution and caching tool for python
- explorepy — Python API for Mentalab biosignal aquisition devices
- eyelinkio — A lightweight library for reading Eyelink Data Format files in Python.
- ezdsp — Easy digital signal processing
- finnpy — Toolbox for the analysis of electrophysiological data
- freq-tag — A Python package facilitating the analysis of frequency-tagging data
- frites — Framework of Information Theory for Electrophysiological data and Statistics
- fw-file — Unified data-file interface
- fw-gear-file-metadata-importer — Extract metadata of input file to Flywheel.
- fw-gear-validated-file-metadata-importer — Extract metadata of input file to Flywheel.
- gcpds-mi — no summary
- gcpds-utils — no summary
- gcpds-visualizations — no summary
- happyfeat — Package for HappyFeat
- HFODetector — Package for detecting HFOs
- hidimstat — High-dimensional statistical inference tools for Python
- hmp — Package for fitting Hidden Multivariate pattern model to time-series
- hsmm-mvpy — DEPRECATED new name under HMP, see
- hu-neuro-pipeline — Single trial EEG pipeline at the Abdel Rahman Lab for Neurocognitive Psychology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- hypnos — Tools related to sleep research
- HyPyP — The Hyperscanning Python Pipeline.
- ieeg — A Python package for iEEG data processing.
- IFReject — Isolation_Forest_Automatic_Rejection
- iliantest — azdadz
- img-pipe — Image processing pipeline for localization and identification of electrodes for electrocorticography
- invertmeeg — A high-level M/EEG Python library for EEG inverse solutions
- karaone — A simple utils tools for kara ona database eeg