Reverse Dependencies of mmh3
The following projects have a declared dependency on mmh3:
- mk-feature-store — Python SDK for Feast
- Mongrel-Transferrer — MONGREL is a tool that allows hierarchical datastructures like MongoDB to be ported to relational datastructures like PostgreSQL.
- multiformats — Python implementation of multiformats protocols.
- multiformats-fix — Python implementation of multiformats protocols.
- ndu-gate-camera — NDU Gate Camera Service
- neo-python — Python Node and SDK for the NEO blockchain
- neo3-python — Python SDK for the NEO 3 blockchain
- nucliadb — no summary
- nucliadb-utils — no summary
- obsei — Obsei is an automation tool for text analysis need
- OkBloomer — An implementation of the OkBloomer algorithm, an autoscaling Bloom filter with ultra-low memory footprint for Python.
- omigo-core — Data Analytics Library for Python
- openfeature-provider-flagd — OpenFeature provider for the flagd flag evaluation engine
- os-copilot — An self-improving embodied conversational agents seamlessly integrated into the operating system to automate our daily tasks.
- paddle-pipelines — Paddle-Pipelines: An End to End Natural Language Proceessing Development Kit Based on PaddleNLP
- panqc — Package & software for analysis of nucleotide redundancy within CDS-based pan-genome analyses
- pinecone-text — Text utilities library by
- platform-gen-ai — This is pipeline code for accelerating solution accelerators
- pocsuite3 — Open-sourced remote vulnerability testing framework.
- postit — A robust, extensible Python data tagging framework for dynamic processing and intelligent filtering of pretraining corpora for AI models.
- pottery — Redis for Humans.
- prefab-cloud-python — Python client for Prefab Feature Flags, Dynamic log levels, and Config as a Service:
- probably — Probably: Simple Probabilistic Data Structures
- profusion — A Python library implementing various Bloom filter types
- proxenos — proxenos: A rendezvous hashing and service routing toolkit.
- py-arkose-generator — no summary
- pyfate — no summary
- pyfilters — Bloom filters and other filter algorithms based on memory and redis
- pyiceberg — Apache Iceberg is an open table format for huge analytic datasets
- pymilvus-distributed — Python Sdk for Milvus-Distributed
- PyMimircache — PyMimircache is a Python3 platform for analyzing cache traces, developed by Juncheng Yang in Ymir group @ Emory University
- PyNDN — An NDN client library with TLV wire format support in native Python
- python-pype-lang-3 — Version 3 of pype, a Python-integrated functional programming language - Provides easy-to-use pseudo-macros for common functional programming tasks such as maps, reduces, filters, conditionals, dictionary manipulations, and list manipulations..
- pytorch-pqrnn — Pytorch implementation of pQRNN
- pyvespa — Python API for
- quaterion — Similarity Learning fine-tuning framework
- quipt-cli — The PC Client for the Quipt App.
- quivr — Container library for working with tabular Arrow data
- rain-dm — Rain library.
- readet — LLM based tools and agents to fascilitate scientific research
- redis-bloom-filter — Bloom filter based on redis
- revscoring — A set of utilities for generating quality scores for MediaWiki revisions
- rstream — A python client for RabbitMQ Streams
- rul-pm — Remaining useful life estimation utilities
- sax4bpm — Open source Python library for deriving explanations about business processes based on process,causal and XAI perspectives
- scalable-cuckoo-filter — Scalable Cuckoo filter
- sema-toolchain — Python symbolic execution package
- semantic-store — An embedded vector database for semantic data storage and retrieval
- seven_cloudapp_frame — seven cloudapp frame
- shodafinder — A simple Python script to compute the Shodan hash for a website's favicon
- simpl-cloud — Base models and API for Django-based simulations.
- simple-config-sync — This tool is used to synchronize dotfiles across various Linux devices, with capabilities to automatically create and delete links, as well as selectively synchronize files.
- sketchlib — Library of streaming algorithms for processing massive data.
- sparclur — Tools for analyzing PDF files and comparing PDF parsers
- sparkly-em — Sparkly is a TF/IDF top-k blocking for entity matching system built on top of Apache Spark and PyLucene.
- streamad — An anomaly detection package for data streams.
- streamlit-chromadb-connection — A simple adapter connection for any Streamlit LLM-powered app to use ChromaDB vector database.
- superpehasher — SuperPEHasher is a wrapper written in Python3 for several hash algorithms dedicated to PE file.
- testfate — no summary
- text-embeddings — zero-vocab or low-vocab embeddings
- tmp-pottery-test — Redis for Humans.
- trajdl — A python toolbox for Trajectory Deep Learning.
- tsv-data-analytics — Utilities to work with TSV file format
- unix-fs-exporter — Python implementation of a ipfs unix fs exporter.
- UnleashClient — Python client for the Unleash feature toggle system!
- urbitob — A python implementation of urbit-ob
- usbcloner — Clones the contents of USB drives and verifies successful duplication
- weathon — weathon: a personal Weapon Depot for python, so called weathon.
- wepipe — no summary