Reverse Dependencies of mkdocstrings
The following projects have a declared dependency on mkdocstrings:
- 0fdb5604 — no summary
- aacrgenie — AACR Project GENIE ETL
- aas-middleware — no summary
- ab-lab — no summary
- acme-project-create — Sets up a new (python) project using a template
- acslib — A library for interacting with Access Control Systems like Genetec or Ccure9k
- action-rules — The package for action rules mining using Action-Apriori (Apriori Modified for Action Rules Mining)..
- adaptkeybert — AdaptKeyBERT extended keyphrase extraction with zero-shot and few-shot semi-supervised domain adaptation.
- addrparser — Address parser for Finnish addresses
- adze-modeler — Creates an encapsulated FEM simulation
- aerokit — Python tools for basic fluid mechanics computations
- AeroViz — Aerosol science
- agenet — Age of Information Model for wireless networks
- agent-evaluation — A generative AI-powered framework for testing virtual agents.
- agentrun — The easiest way to run AI or user generated python code safely in a docker container
- aggie-unterprise — A Python package for extracting and processing grant data from AggieEnterprise spreadsheets.
- agori — AI-powered decision-making frameworks for enhancing group decisions
- aiagents4pharma — AI Agents for drug discovery, drug development, and other pharmaceutical R&D
- aifn — Documentation for `aifn`, a client facing API for interacting with the WecoAI's AI functions.
- aimet-ml — Python package of frequently used modules for ML developments in AIMET..
- aimsprop — A repository for the representation and manipulation of AIMS-type trajectories.
- aioproc — Skeleton project created by Python Project Wizard (ppw).
- aiotest — Developer friendly load testing framework Based on asyncio
- aiproteomics — A package for MSMS spectral library prediction models from the field of (phospho-)proteomics, intended to facilitate the testing and comparison of different neural network architectures and existing models.
- aitana — Access volcano monitoring data.
- aizen-agents — Web3 AI Agent Platform with powerful tools and realtime data
- al-otto — The ottomatic video engine
- algobattle-base — The Algobattle lab course package.
- aliceio — Asynchronous framework for Alice from Yandex Dialogs
- alleima-tools — Functions, classes, other that are useful for Alleima purposes.
- aloha — Aloha - a versatile Python utility package for building services
- alphai — no summary
- annodize — "Python Annotations that are shockingly useful!"
- anonipy — The data anonymization package
- ansi2html — Convert text with ANSI color codes to HTML or to LaTeX
- anta — Arista Network Test Automation (ANTA) Framework
- antplus — Human friendly interface to ANT+ sing python
- anydoc — 🔌 Turn your GitHub Markdown documentation into a Q&A bot for Slack (more integrations to come soon!)
- ao3-sync — A CLI tool to download your bookmarked works from Archive of Our Own.
- ape-farcaster — ape-farcaster is a Python SDK for the Farcaster Protocol
- app-model — Generic application schema implemented in python
- arabic-text-animator — A Python library for creating Arabic text writing animations
- arctic-ai — Python package for Arctic Workflow. Mirrors jupyter developments.
- ardilla — Ardilla ORM. Easy to use, fast to implement, with sync and async flavors
- Arganic — Arganic is a simple and lightweight Python library making it easy to manage Arguments for Classes, Methods or Functions.
- arger — Create argparser automatically from functions
- argufy — Inspection based parser based on argparse.
- arrakis-python — Arrakis Python client library
- arta — A Python Rules Engine - Make rule handling simple
- artificial-artwork — Create artificial artwork by transfering the appearance of one image (eg a famous painting) to another user-supplied image (eg your favourite photograph).
- ASDCache — A Python module to retrieve data from the NIST Atomic Spectra Database (ASD), using caching for fast, efficient data handling
- askastro — A lightweight AI engineering toolkit for building natural language interfaces that are reliable, scalable, and easy to trust.
- asn-nmap — Get status service from a ASN.
- astel — Python package for asyncronous web crawling.
- astronomer-starship — Migrations to Astro
- athena-api — TeiaLabs Athena API
- atlas-framework — Class-based famework for quickly creating robust Python apps.
- atro-docs — no summary
- audig — Reprodutor de áudio para estudo de inglês.
- auralis — This is a faster implementation for TTS models, to be used in highly async environment
- auroris — Data Curation in Polaris
- auto-fast-docs — Automatic code documentation generation tool (to generate markdown files compatible with mkdocstrings)
- autogen-agents — Unofficial agents for the Autogen framework
- automagically — Python SDK für Automagically.
- autonav — Research software for navigating a UAV in indoor environments
- autonomi-nos — Nitrous oxide system (NOS) for computer-vision.
- autonomy-dev — A collection of tooling to enable open source development of autonomy tools
- autorad — Radiomics-related modules for extraction and experimenting
- axe-playwright-python — Automated web accessibility testing using axe-core engine and Playwright.
- azure-datalake-utils — Utilidades para interactuar con Azure Datalake.
- azure_mlops_helper — Azure helper for e2e ml pipelines
- backgrounder — Run background tasks in asynchronous mode at all times
- bacore — BACore is a framework for business analysis and test automation.
- badfiles — A malicious file detection engine written with Python and Yara.
- balcony — Read any resource in your AWS Account. You can generate terraform code for them, too.
- bambu-printer-manager — A pure python library for managing Bambu Labs printers
- baribal — Helper functions for pandas data analysis, inspired by R
- basicnanoclient — Nano RPC python client
- batch_please — A package for batch processing with sync and async capabilities
- bayesnf — Scalable spatiotemporal prediction with Bayesian neural fields
- bayeux-ml — Stitching together probabilistic models and inference.
- beignet — no summary
- bengrn — benchmarking gene regulatory networks
- bertopic — BERTopic performs topic Modeling with state-of-the-art transformer models.
- better-sum — Python's sum, minus ugly annotations and extra arguments.
- bgcflow_wrapper — A snakemake wrapper and utility tools command line interface for BGCFlow.
- bgraph — no summary
- bibat — Batteries-included Bayesian analysis template
- binary-file-parser — Read/Write binary files after describing their specifications in code (similar to an ORM table schema)
- bio-parser — no summary
- biobank-tools — Biobank Tools.
- blackline-core — Manage personal data in your data stores.
- blag — blog-aware, static site generator
- bloqade — Neutral atom software development kit
- bluemath-tk — Module collection for custom climate data analysis. The main objective of this Python package is to provide a set of statistical tools tailored for climate data analysis, with a focus on statistical classification and prediction.
- bofire — no summary
- bokbokbok — Custom Losses and Metrics for XGBoost, LightGBM, CatBoost
- boldi-dev — part of Boldi's Python libraries
- boltworks — A collection of decorators and functionns for Slack's bolt library to help you make a better slackbot.
- bonfo — Multiwii flight controller configuration management