Reverse Dependencies of mkdocstrings-python
The following projects have a declared dependency on mkdocstrings-python:
- aacrgenie — AACR Project GENIE ETL
- acslib — A library for interacting with Access Control Systems like Genetec or Ccure9k
- action-rules — The package for action rules mining using Action-Apriori (Apriori Modified for Action Rules Mining)..
- adpa — Advanced Data Processing and Analytics Framework
- aiagents4pharma — AI Agents for drug discovery, drug development, and other pharmaceutical R&D.
- aigve — A comprehensive and structured evaluation framework for assessing AI-generated video quality.
- aimet-ml — Python package of frequently used modules for ML developments in AIMET..
- — An asynchronous Python 3.10+ Spotify Web API wrapper.
- aiovantage — Interact with and control Vantage InFusion home automation controllers.
- aliceio — Asynchronous framework for Alice from Yandex Dialogs
- anl2025 — Temporary development of anl2025
- annubes — ANNUBeS: training Artificial Neural Networks to Uncover Behavioral Strategies in neuroscience
- ansi2html — Convert text with ANSI color codes to HTML or to LaTeX
- anta — Arista Network Test Automation (ANTA) Framework
- ape-farcaster — ape-farcaster is a Python SDK for the Farcaster Protocol
- app-model — Generic application schema implemented in python
- appier-report — Report APIs wrapper
- applecrate — applecrate: A Python package for creating macOS installer packages.
- applovin-report — Applovin Report APIs wrapper.
- aprofiles — Analysis of atmospheric profilers measurements
- arabic-text-animator — A Python library for creating Arabic text writing animations
- arcos4py — A python package to detect collective spatio-temporal phenomena.
- arkindex-base-worker — Base Worker to easily build Arkindex ML workflows
- armory-suite — no summary
- artificial-artwork — Create artificial artwork by transfering the appearance of one image (eg a famous painting) to another user-supplied image (eg your favourite photograph).
- ASDCache — A Python module to retrieve data from the NIST Atomic Spectra Database (ASD), using caching for fast, efficient data handling
- asn-nmap — Get status service from a ASN.
- astronomer-orbis — A tool for generating astronomer software deployment compute reports
- astronomer-orbiter — Astronomer Orbiter can take your legacy workloads and land them safely down in a new home on Apache Airflow!
- atro-docs — no summary
- auralis — This is a faster implementation for TTS models, to be used in highly async environment
- auroris — Data Curation in Polaris
- auto-fast-docs — Automatic code documentation generation tool (to generate markdown files compatible with mkdocstrings)
- autoawq — AutoAWQ implements the AWQ algorithm for 4-bit quantization with a 2x speedup during inference.
- AutoGenerateMKD — Auto generate markdown api docs, base on dosc.
- autogs-core — AutoGS Core
- autonomi-nos — Nitrous oxide system (NOS) for computer-vision.
- autora-core — Autonomous Research Assistant (AutoRA) is a framework for automating steps of the empirical research process.
- awtrix-light-client — awtrix-light HTTP client to be used with Ulanzi clock
- azure_mlops_helper — Azure helper for e2e ml pipelines
- bacore — BACore is a framework for business analysis and test automation.
- bam-masterdata — The BAM Data Store utility tools and masterdata models wrapped in a Python package with a front-end web interface.
- baribal — Helper functions for pandas data analysis, inspired by R
- basicnanoclient — Nano RPC python client
- bedrock-swarm — A framework for building multi-agent systems using AWS Bedrock
- bengrn — benchmarking gene regulatory networks
- bertopic — BERTopic performs topic Modeling with state-of-the-art transformer models.
- bi-tiktok-business-api-master — Tiktok Business API wrapper
- bibat — Batteries-included Bayesian analysis template
- bio_agptools — Tools for working with agp files
- bio-parser — no summary
- blackscholes — Black Scholes calculator for Python
- broken-source — 🚀 Broken Source Software Main Library
- bryn-python-boilerplate — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- bunkatopics — Bunkatopics is a Topic Modeling package and Exploration Module
- calcflow — Add your description here
- calliope — A multi-scale energy systems modelling framework.
- catx — Contextual Bandits with Continuous Actions in JAX
- ccheck — A human-friendly framework for testing and evaluating LLMs, RAGs, and chatbots.
- cellnition — Open-source cross-platform biology simulator analyzing gene regulatory networks (GRNs) with Network Finite State Machines (NFSMs).
- cesnet-datazoo — A toolkit for large network traffic datasets
- cesnet-models — Pre-trained neural networks for encrypted traffic classification
- cgmetadata — Use native Core Graphics / ImageIO API on macOS to access and change image metadata
- chartlets — Backend for server-configured UI contributions.
- check-pyproject — This tool facilitates syncing of the project and the tool.poetry tables in your pyproject.toml.
- chime-frb-api — CHIME/FRB API
- chinese-whispers — An implementation of the Chinese Whispers clustering algorithm.
- chmpy — Molecules, crystals, promolecule and Hirshfeld surfaces using python.
- chunknorris — A package for chunking documents from various formats
- clirunner — CliRunner test runner for command line applications.
- cmap — Scientific colormaps for python, without dependencies
- cml-pam — The Population activity Modeller (PAM) is a python API for activity sequence modelling.
- Cocotst — Easily to code qqoffcial bot.
- cog2h3 — Command line script to convert Cloud Optimized Geotiff to h3 cells and insert to PosgreSQL
- commonroad-clcs — Curvilinear (Frenet) Coordinate System for motion planning.
- compliance-to-policy — Tools to bridge Compliance and Policy
- confit — Smart configuration framework
- controlib — A Python package for advanced control systems design and deployment.
- crash-catcher — Error logger/crash reporter decorator
- crowd-kit — Computational Quality Control for Crowdsourcing
- cryogrid-pytools — Tools to read in CryoGrid MATLAB data to Python and create forcing data
- cuisto — Quantification of objects in histological slices
- cylindra — Spectral analysis, simulation and subtomogram averaging of heterogenic cylindrical structures
- cz-ossfs — fsspec filesystem for OSS
- damnit — The Data And Metadata iNspection Interactive Thing
- datachain — Wrangle unstructured AI data at scale
- datethyme — Ergonomic date and time types built on Pydantic and datetime, with an emphasis on parsing, ranges, and arithmetic.
- db-scheduler — A DB Scheduler, for all your scheduler needs.
- dcTMD — Analyse targeted molecular dynamics data with dcTMD
- deel-lip — TensorFlow 2 implementation for k-Lipschitz layers
- deepdoctection — Repository for Document AI
- deidcm — Reusable toolset for deidentifiying images and metadata contained inside DICOM files
- diffusionlab — Easy no-frills Pytorch implementations of common abstractions for diffusion models.
- directmultistep — no summary
- — Easy, simple, scalable and modular: a Python API wrapper for interactions.
- distllm — Distributed Inference for Large Language Models.
- django-admin-extra-buttons — Django mixin to easily add buttons to any ModelAdmin
- django-adminfilters — Django mixin to easily add buttons to any ModelAdmin
- django-celery-boost — Django Abstract Model to work with Celery
- django-simple-deploy — Deployment, for Djangonauts with deadlines.