Reverse Dependencies of mkdocs-literate-nav
The following projects have a declared dependency on mkdocs-literate-nav:
- app-model — Generic application schema implemented in python
- arrakis — Arrakis Python client library
- artificial-artwork — Create artificial artwork by transfering the appearance of one image (eg a famous painting) to another user-supplied image (eg your favourite photograph).
- ASDCache — A Python module to retrieve data from the NIST Atomic Spectra Database (ASD), using caching for fast, efficient data handling
- athena-api — TeiaLabs Athena API
- autogen-agents — Unofficial agents for the Autogen framework
- AutoGenerateMKD — Auto generate markdown api docs, base on dosc.
- autogs-core — AutoGS Core
- autora-core — Autonomous Research Assistant (AutoRA) is a framework for automating steps of the empirical research process.
- bio-parser — no summary
- blackline-core — Manage personal data in your data stores.
- broken-source — π Broken Source Software Main Library
- chassisml — no summary
- check-pyproject — This tool facilitates syncing of the project and the tool.poetry tables in your pyproject.toml.
- chmpy — Molecules, crystals, promolecule and Hirshfeld surfaces using python.
- cmap — Scientific colormaps for python, without dependencies
- coco-assistant — Helper for dealing with MS-COCO annotations.
- Cocotst — Easily to code qqoffcial bot.
- code-payload — Giving language models context of your codebase
- compare-geoms — This package compares a list of molecular geometries to the geometries in large datasets.
- conjunto — Django application framework/helpers using HTMX,, tables2, crispy-forms & more.
- continuiti — Learning function operators with neural networks.
- cookie-composer — Create new projects from a composition of several templates
- CosmoTech-Acceleration-Library — Acceleration libraries for CosmoTech cloud based solution development
- cosmotech-run-orchestrator — Orchestration suite for Cosmotech Run Templates
- cryptoservice — A cryptocurrency trading info package
- datachain — Wrangle unstructured AI data at scale
- dcTMD — Analyse targeted molecular dynamics data with dcTMD
- declearn — A modular and extensible framework for Federated Learning.
- deepglue — deepglue: A utility package for deep learning projects. Keeping things together.
- dispatch-functions — Python SDK for Dispatch Stateful Functions
- dispatch-py — Develop reliable distributed systems with Dispatch.
- distilabel — Distilabel is an AI Feedback (AIF) framework for building datasets with and for LLMs.
- distllm — Distributed Inference for Large Language Models.
- dlunch — The ultimate web app for a well organized lunch.
- docint — Extracting information from DOCuments INTelligently.
- docstring-gen — Generate docstrings using OpenAI's Codex model.
- dolphin — Workflows for generating surface displacement maps using InSAR
- dont-fret — Analyze confocal solution smFRET data
- doxtrings — a package that can ensure your docstrings are correct
- dp-cubed — Dynamic Profile Processing Platform
- dxtr — Discrete Exterior Calculus library in Python.
- dynamiqs — High-performance quantum systems simulation with JAX (GPU-accelerated & differentiable solvers).
- eccs — Code for the 'Exposing Critical Causal Structures' project.
- eche — Little helper for handling entity clusters
- EDS-Scikit — eds-scikit is a Python library providing tools to
- embarrassment — Convenience functions to work with pandas triple dataframes πΌπΌπΌ
- ensembl-genomio — Ensembl GenomIO -- pipelines to convert basic genomic data into Ensembl cores and back to flatfile
- ensembl-py — Ensembl Python Base Library
- ensembl-utils — Ensembl Python general-purpose utils
- eqdsk — A reader, writer and converter for the eqdsk format
- equation-tree — Describe your contribution
- equine — EQUINE^2: Establishing Quantified Uncertainty for Neural Networks
- equine-webapp — Companion web application for EQUINE^2: Establishing Quantified Uncertainty for Neural Networks
- EvOAutoML — Online Automated Machine Learning for river
- evotorch — EvoTorch is an advanced evolutionary computation library built directly on top of PyTorch, created at NNAISENSE.
- ezdag — High-level HTCondor DAG generation library
- fastagency — The fastest way to bring multi-agent workflows to production
- fastagents — A fast way to build AI agents for multiple platform
- faststream — FastStream: the simplest way to work with a messaging queues
- flake8-numbers — Flake8 Numbers Plugin
- flowMC — Normalizing flow exhanced sampler in jax
- fortimanager-template-sync — FortiManager Template Sync
- fourier-core — Robotics Control System for the All Robotics
- fractal-task-tools — Shared tools for Fractal tasks
- frequenz-api-assets — Frequenz gRPC API to retrieval platform assets information
- frequenz-api-common — Frequenz common gRPC API and bindings
- frequenz-api-dispatch — Frequenz gRPC API to propagate dispatches to microgrids
- frequenz-api-electricity-trading — Specification for Electricity Trading API.
- frequenz-api-microgrid — Frequenz gRPC API for monitoring and control of microgrids
- frequenz-api-reporting — Frequenz gRPC API to aggregate component data from microgrids
- frequenz-api-weather — Frequenz gRPC API for retrieving weather forecasts.
- frequenz-channels — Channel implementations for Python
- frequenz-client-base — Utilities for writing Frequenz API clients
- frequenz-client-common — Common code and utilities for Frequenz API clients
- frequenz-client-dispatch — Dispatch API client for Python
- frequenz-client-electricity-trading — Electricity Trading API client for Python
- frequenz-client-microgrid — Microgrid API client for Python
- frequenz-client-reporting — Reporting API client for Python
- frequenz-client-weather — Weather API Client for Python
- frequenz-dispatch — A highlevel interface for the dispatch API
- frequenz-lib-notebooks — Tooling for notebooks.
- frequenz-microgrid-betterproto — Bindings to the microgrid API generated using betterproto
- frequenz-quantities — Types for holding quantities with units
- frequenz-repo-config — Frequenz repository setup tools and common configuration
- frequenz-reporting-python — A highlevel interface for the reporting API
- frequenz-sdk — A development kit to interact with the Frequenz development platform
- gemseo-benchmark — A GEMSEO-based package to benchmark optimization algorithm.
- gemseo-calibration — Capability to calibrate GEMSEO disciplines from data.
- gemseo-hexaly — GEMSEO interface to Hexaly solver.
- gemseo-jax — GEMSEO plugin for JAX (jit compilation, autodiff, XLA)
- gemseo-matlab — MATLAB wrapper for GEMSEO
- gemseo-mlearning — Miscellaneous machine learning capabilities.
- gemseo-mma — A gemseo wrapper of Python version of Method of Moving Asymptothes in the implementation of Arjen Deetman.
- gemseo-pdfo — PDFO wrapper for GEMSEO
- gemseo-petsc — PETSc GEMSEO interface.
- gemseo-pymoo — A GEMSEO wrapper for pymoo optimization algorithms.
- gemseo-pyoptsparse — GEMSEO interface to pyoptsparse algorithms.
- gemseo-scilab — GEMSEO plugin to create disciplines from scilab source code.
- gemseo-umdo — Robust MDO and advanced UQ with GEMSEO.