Reverse Dependencies of mip
The following projects have a declared dependency on mip:
- abcvoting — A Python library of approval-based committee (ABC) rules
- actionable-recourse — actionable-recourse is a python library for recourse verification and reporting.
- autobridge — AutoBridge
- battery_management — Battery Optimization
- batteryopt — battery operation optimization
- bpp-af — Arcflow Model for the Bin-Packing Problem
- carla-recourse — A library for counterfactual recourse
- colette — Manage rounds of coffee roulette
- curvaceous — no summary
- eesrep — EESREP is a component based energy system optimisation python module.
- FairDiverse — A unified, comprehensive fairness- and diversity-aware IR library
- fast-online-packing — A fast algorithm for online packing.
- feloopy — FelooPy: Efficient and feature-rich integrated decision environment
- halfspace-optimizer — Cutting-plane solver for mixed-integer convex optimization problems
- jijmodeling-transpiler — no summary
- kpsearch — K-portfolio search
- lohi-splitter — Train-test splitter for Lead Optimization and Hit Identification tasks.
- marketdesign — This project is a python implementation of the market mechanism described in the paper 'Shapley value based pricing for auctions and exchanges' (Lindsay 2018).
- minimod-opt — A mixed-integer program optimization solver for finding optimal nutritional interventions across space and time.
- miom — Mixed Integer Optimization for Metabolism
- mip-cvxpy — Solve MILP CVXPY problems using python-mip
- mip-tool — `mip-tool` is a package for Python-MIP.
- nemglo — Green-energy Load Optimisation tool for the NEM
- nempy — A flexible tool kit for modelling Australia's National Electricity Market dispatch procedure.
- oae — Optimal Action Extraction for Random Forests and Boosted Trees
- odtlearn — A package for tree-based statistical estimation and inference using optimal decision trees.
- pabutools — Implementation of all the tools necessary to explore and analyse participatory budgeting elections
- pai-easydist — Efficient Automatic Training System for Super-Large Models
- Pint — Physical quantities module
- preflibtools — A set of tools to work with preference data from the website.
- prtpy — Number partitioning in Python
- pyoneai-ops — OneAIOps Services
- pyparc — PARC - Piecewise Affine Regression and Classification
- pySprida — no summary
- Recourse — actionable-recourse is a python library for recourse verification and reporting.
- rnamoip — RNAMoIP: Integer Programing Framework to predict RNA secondary structure
- selective — feature selection library
- spaghetti — Analysis of Network-constrained Spatial Data
- tisp — Solve TSP instances to optimality.
- triplepy — A benchmark for GB migration subject to capillary and bulk driving forces.
- tspnoq — Travelling salesman problem
- uatrack — Uncertainty-Aware Tracking Framework.
- ultrack — Large-scale multi-hypotheses cell tracking
- urbanopti — engine for the planning of sustainable mobility