Reverse Dependencies of MiniMock
The following projects have a declared dependency on MiniMock:
- AuthBWC — A user authentication and authorization component for the BlazeWeb framework
- BlazeWeb — A light weight WSGI framework with a pluggable architecture
- forgefrenzy — A collection of tools to nurture your addiction to Dwarven Forge
- gitchangelog — gitchangelog generates a changelog thanks to git log.
- gitchangelog-vt — gitchangelog-vt is a custom version of gitchangelog that generates a changelog thanks to git log.
- helperlibs — A collection of bioinformatics-related helper functions
- httpasilib — Aalto Social Interface (ASI) Python interface library
- kids.file — Kids file management library.
- plaidcloud-rpc — no summary
- plaidcloud-utilities — no summary
- pyc3l — ComChain API client library