Reverse Dependencies of minepy
The following projects have a declared dependency on minepy:
- ascends-toolkit — ASCENDS: Advanced data SCiENce toolkit for Non-Data Scientists
- CAGMon — Correlation Analysis based on Glitch Monitoring
- cpm-analytics — Investigate relationship on variables pairs in tabular datasets, based on Correlation, PPS and MIC scores.
- exploretransform — Explore and transform your data
- ifree — i love freedom, free my hand.
- lijingli — no summary
- mictools — MICtools
- MolDAIS — Molecular Property Optimization with Molecular Descriptors over Actively Identified Subspaces
- Neural-Signal-Analysis — A comprehensive Python library for human brain/ cortical organoid/spheroid eeg/ecog/mea data analysis including FFT, Higuchi Fractal Dimension, Transfer Entropy, and more.
- RiboCode — A package for identifying the translated ORFs using ribosome-profiling data
- secat — Size-Exclusion Chromatography Algorithmic Toolkit
- TCLR — Tree-Classifier for Linear Regression (TCLR) is a novel tree model to capture the functional relationships between features and a target based on correlation.