Reverse Dependencies of mimesis
The following projects have a declared dependency on mimesis:
- airbyte-source-faker — Source implementation for fake but realistic looking data.
- arjuna — Arjuna is a Python based test automation framework developed by Rahul Verma (
- arxiv-auth — Auth libraries for arXiv.
- azdummy — A Python Typer-based CLI tool to generate fake data for Azure AD.
- cityfront — no summary
- csvmimesis — Generate dummy tables using the mimesis data provider
- decore-base — decore Base is an out-of-the-box "Python to Vue.js" data application dashboard that helps you go from idea to view in a few simple steps. It is aimed at those who want to focus on the results of their algorithms , do scientific work, or perform teaching or learning functions.
- deeppavlov-kg — no summary
- dipex — OS2mo-data-import-and-export
- django-obfucat — Data obfuscation tool for GDPR-compliant development process
- django-sage-session — Package for handling sessions and session management
- django-sage-tools — Reusable, generic mixins for Django
- fakeme — Relative Data Generator: generate relative tables data, data generator for multi tables that depend on each other
- faker-cli — Command-line fake data generator
- farsante — Fake DataFrame generators for Pandas and PySpark
- gdasdb — GDAS - Database connection library
- geci-mimesis — A template Python module
- genesynth — Python package: genesynth
- graphql-example — A simple graphql server
- job-offer-classifier — Classification of Job Offer Responses
- lynguine — Package for lynguine data oriented architecture interfaces.
- mimesis-and-ge — A Python module for mimesis and Great Expectations
- mimesis-factory — Mimesis integration with factory_boy
- mpan — A parsing library for the UK's MPAN energy standard
- ndlpy — Package of utility files for python scripts.
- no-spark-in-my-home — Yet another Python package for data generation
- pg-stage — Anonymization of data in pg_dump
- pyimport — A CSV importer for MongoDB
- pylantern — Analytics library
- pynpc — Generate simple NPCs for table top role playing games
- pynrds — A Complete Python Wrapper for the NAR NRDS API Service
- pytest-mimesis — Mimesis integration with the pytest test runner
- ra-fixture-generator — Flatfile Fixture generator for OS2mo/LoRa
- referia — Template files for performing data analysis with python.
- roast — Randomized Okaying Across System Topologies (ROAST) Python Framework
- singlestore-demo — Generates a demo datasource for SingleStore
- sqlsynthgen — Synthetic SQL data generator
- tabsdata — Tabsdata System