Reverse Dependencies of MIDIUtil
The following projects have a declared dependency on MIDIUtil:
- audiorepr — Audiolize your data
- beatcraft — While you are focus on the game logic, BeatCraft help you to make an authentic music for your game
- chords2midi — Create MIDI files from chord progressions
- dawatoma — DAW Automation - music idea generation software
- dolce — Algorithmic composition utilities
- frzpop — Generates MIDI files
- jet-jammer — Jamming tool
- midi-generator — MIDI Generator for Python using genetic algorithms
- midi-manager — A python library to clean, process and convert midi datasets in ready to use formats like python lists, dictionaries and pickles for machine learning models
- milton — Algorithmic Composition Utilities
- nino-violino — Yet another music generator.
- nonebot-plugin-makemidi — Easy midi maker
- ofold — Add a short description here!
- polyendtracker-midi-export — Unofficial tool that converts Polyend Tracker *.mt project and *.mtp pattern files to midi files.
- pyanthem — pyanthem - an audiovisualization tool to make your data more interesting
- pygmidi — Python General MIDI representation for symbolic music data analysis
- pyscribble — A scribbletune-like library for Python3
- pytunegen — Generates randomized music tunes with Python, with MIDI export support.
- renardo-lib — Python livecoding environment - New fork of FoxDot
- tabs2music — Converts guitar tabs (.txt) into audio (.wav)