Reverse Dependencies of MetPy
The following projects have a declared dependency on MetPy:
- AniMAIRE — Python library for running the anisotropic version of MAIRE+
- ccic — Chalmers Cloud Ice Climatology
- cht-meteo — no summary
- cinrad — Decode CINRAD radar data and visualize
- cloudbandPy — A Python package for atmospheric cloud bands detection.
- cmfd-handler — no summary
- cosipymodel — Coupled snowpack and ice surface energy and mass balance model in Python.
- cra — no summary
- deltares-coastalhazardstoolkit — no summary
- dparcel — A simple parcel theory model of downdrafts in atmospheric convection.
- drilsdown — A collection of tools for jupyter notebooks
- easyclimate — A line of code to analyze climate
- ecape — Calculate the entraining CAPE (ECAPE) of a parcel.
- ecape-parcel — A simple Python package that computes entrainment CAPE parcels.
- eurec4a-snd — Common EUREC4A sounding standard
- frontpy — FrontPy is a Python package designed for the detection and analysis of atmospheric fronts. It uses the Thermal Front Parameter (TFP) method to identify cold and warm fronts. The package also includes visualization capabilities, allowing users to plot the identified fronts over GOES-16 satellite imagery.
- geocat.comp — GeoCAT-comp is computational component of the GeoCAT project and provides implementations of computational functions for analysis of geosciences data
- geocat.viz — GeoCAT-viz is vizualization component of the GeoCAT project and
- goes2go — Retrieve GOES Satellite data from AWS. Also proves some RGB recipes.
- herbie-data — Download numerical weather prediction GRIB2 model data.
- huracanpy — A python package for working with various forms of feature tracking data
- jaws — Software to convert idiosyncratic ASCII formats to netCDF formats
- LorenzCycleToolkit — no summary
- met-dig — Weather analysis and diagnostic graphics for map discussion
- meteoscanner — A module used for making continuous cross-section view of the atmosphere.
- MetPy — Collection of tools for reading, visualizing and performing calculations with weather data.
- MSEplots-pkg — A package for static energy plots based on MetPy
- mwrpy — Python package for Microwave Radiometer processing in ACTRIS
- ncplot — Interactive viewing of NetCDF data
- netcdfella — Netcdfella is providing multiple ways to convert netcdf filed into other data types such as ASCII, PNG and JPG, and even create graphs.
- nmc-met-base — A collections of basic functions for meteorological development.
- pydrology — A Python package for accessing and processing hydrologic data.
- pygeochemtools — An eclectic set of geochemical data manipulation, QC and plotting tools.
- pyrams — no summary
- pyschism — Python package for working with SCHISM input and output files.
- pysonde — Post-processing tool for atmospheric sounding data
- python-awips — A framework for requesting AWIPS meteorological datasets from an EDEX server
- satellite-weather-downloader — The modules available in this package are designed to capture and proccess satellite data from Copernicus
- seaice3p — Simulate gas bubbles and oil droplets in sea ice.
- shipspy — processing of ship campaign data
- siphon — A collection of Python utilities for interacting with the Unidata technology stack.
- sounderpy — Vertical Profile Data Retrieval and Analysis Tool For Python
- sunpeek — Large Solar Thermal Monitoring Tool. Implements the Performance Check Method of ISO 24194
- SynopticPy — Retrieve mesonet weather data as Polars DataFrames from Synoptic's Weather API.
- thuner — Multifeature tracking and analysis of meteorological events
- twinotter — Software for working with data from the BAS twin otter
- uwnet — PyTorch training code for climate modeling