Reverse Dependencies of methodtools
The following projects have a declared dependency on methodtools:
- 21cmSense — Compute sensitivies of radio interferometers to the cosmic 21cm signal.
- apache-airflow-providers-microsoft-mssql — Provider package apache-airflow-providers-microsoft-mssql for Apache Airflow
- beique — Ricequant Algorithm Trading System
- BioCantor — Flexible feature arithmetic, seamlessly integrated with nested coordinate systems.
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- captivity — Cages in Pandas
- commonroad-reactive-planner — CommonRoad Reactive Planner: Sampling-based Frenet Planner
- CountRings — Count rings in a graph.
- CTK-Desert — Design beautiful GUIs effortlessly — no coding required. (uses Customtkinter)
- cycless — A collection of algorithms for cycles in a graph.
- datalad-fuse — DataLad FUSE extension package
- dtps-http — no summary
- embdata — Data, types, pipes, manipulation for embodied learning.
- eoreader — Remote-sensing opensource python library reading optical and SAR constellations, loading and stacking bands, clouds, DEM and spectral indices in a sensor-agnostic way.
- eosets — This library aims to simplify any process working with different sets of EO data handled by EOReader.
- famafrench — Python package designed to construct and replicate datasets from Ken French's online library ( via remote access to wrds-cloud.
- frenetix-motion-planner — Frenetix Motion Planner: Sampling-based Frenet Planner & Multi-agent CommonRoad Scenario Handler
- graphsense-lib — Graphsense backend lib and automation cli
- GSForge — Feature (gene) selection package for gene expression data.
- ipfx — Intrinsic Physiology Feature Extractor (IPFX) - tool for computing neuronal features from the intracellular electrophysiological recordings
- junctionart — Procedural HD Map and Intersection Generator
- mongospecs — simple mongo ODM with support for msgspec, pydantic, and attrs
- openmsimodel — OpenMSIModel uses the GEMD (Graphical Expression of Material Data) format to interact with generalized laboratory, analysis, and computational materials data. It allows to structure real scientific workflows into meaningful data structures, model them in graph and relational databases, explore on interactive graphical interfaces, and build long-term, shareable assets stores.
- openmsistream — Python applications for materials data streaming using Apache Kafka. Developed for Open MSI (NSF DMREF award #1921959)
- prolothar-queue-mining — algorithms for queue mining from event logs
- proteinflow — Versatile pipeline for processing protein structure data for deep learning applications.
- ps2-analysis — Daybreak Game's Planetside 2 data analysis (UNOFFICIAL)
- quantify-core — Quantify-core is a unified quantum computing, solid-state and pulse sequencing physical experimentation framework.
- sanic-restplus — Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Sanic
- scikit-criteria — Scikit-Criteria is a collections of algorithms, methods and techniques for multiple-criteria decision analysis.
- sherpa-streamlit — Kairntech Sherpa building blocks for Streamlit apps
- simpml — SimpML is an open-source, no/low-code machine learning library in Python that simplifies and automates machine learning workflows.
- slurm-python-utils — no summary
- streetcrawl — Google Streetview panoramas collector
- subhaashita — A package for curating subhaashita-s (quotes) in various languages.
- systematic-trading — A small toolbox to do systematic trading on futures.
- thoth-storage — Storage and database adapters available in project Thoth
- wonterfact — A powerful tool to design any tensor factorization model and estimate the corresponding parameters