Reverse Dependencies of meshio
The following projects have a declared dependency on meshio:
- anabel — An end to end differentiable finite element framework.
- ashx — Geometry and mesh tools
- auron — no summary
- autopdex — An automized PDE solver for accelerators based on JAX
- b3p — Command line tools for preprocessing of wind turbine blade models
- BasicToolsFrozen — Tools for finite element computations - fork for pymicro
- bg-atlasapi — A lightweight python module to interact with atlases for systems neuroscience
- brainglobe-atlasapi — A lightweight python module to interact with and generate atlases for systems neuroscience.
- brainrender-napari — A napari plugin to render BrainGlobe atlases and associated data as layers.
- cad2vox — A python library to provide the user interface for the CudaVox library
- capytaine — Python BEM solver for linear potential flow, based on Nemoh
- cashocs — Computational Adjoint-Based Shape Optimization and Optimal Control Software
- catmaid-publish — Scripts for publishing data from CATMAID
- ciclope — Computed Tomography to Finite Elements
- coilpy — Plotting and data processing tools for plasma and coil
- coloria — Tools for color models
- colorio — Tools for color models
- composite-ufjc-scission-ufl-fenics — The Python package for the composite uFJC model with scission implemented in the Unified Form Language (UFL) for FEniCS.
- cubrium — Cube in Equilibrium
- CudaVox — Python bindings for a C++ library to convert mesh models into Voxel images with OpenMp and CUDA
- cvkit — Multiple view geometry and other Computer Vision algorithms implemented in Python.
- cytoskeleton-analyser — Examines simulated cell microtubules
- dagmc-bounding-box — Find the bounding box and other related properties of a DAGMC h5m file
- dagmc-geometry-slice-plotter — A minimal Python package for creating plots of slices through DAGMC geometry
- delaunay-watershed-3d — Geometrical reconstruction of cell assemblies from instance segmentations
- diffusive-solver — Package for solving systems of coupled diffusion equations
- dolfin-adjoint — High-level automatic differentiation library for FEniCS
- dolfin-estim — no summary
- dolfin-mech — no summary
- dolfin-warp — no summary
- dtcc-core — DTCC Core
- dualmesh — Python module for generating dual meshes
- dxtr — Discrete Exterior Calculus library in Python.
- fastvpinns — A fast tensor-driven variational physics-informed neural network library for solving PDEs.
- felupe — Finite Element Analysis
- femagtools — Python API for FEMAG
- femder — A simple acoustic FEM package
- femio — FEM I/O Tool
- femtoscope — Python code for solving nonlinear PDEs from modified gravity models on unbounded domains
- fenics-pulse — A python library based on FEniCS that aims to solve problems in continuum mechanics, in particular cardiac mechanics
- fenics-smart — Spatial Modeling Algorithms for Reactions and Transport (SMART) is a high-performance finite-element-based simulation package for model specification and numerical simulation of spatially-varying reaction-transport processes in biological cells.
- feplot — A visualization tool for FElupe
- fieldcompare — Read and compare numerical data against reference data using exact, fuzzy or custom comparison operations. Simplify your regression testing pipeline.
- fractal-tree — Create a fractal tree over a surface discretized by triangles
- fteikpy — Accurate Eikonal solver for Python
- geolia — Geometry and mesh tools
- gmshModel — A mesh modeling interface to the Gmsh-Python-API
- gospl — A Python interface to perform Global Landscape Evolution Model
- gplugins — gdsfactory plugins
- gstools — GSTools: A geostatistical toolbox.
- gustaf — Process and visualize numerical-analysis-geometries.
- gyptis — Computational Photonics in Python
- h5massembly — Package to automagically convert step-gometries to h5m descriptions for neutronics by OpenMC
- hello-robot-stretch-body — Stretch Body low level Python API
- Helmi-FEM — Finite element method for solving the electromagnetic Helmholtz equation.
- HyPyP — The Hyperscanning Python Pipeline.
- hypysagas — Python Sensitivity Approximations for Geometric-Aerodynamic Surfaces
- imppy3d — IMPPY3D: A library for processing 3D image stacks
- jax-am — GPU-accelerated simulation toolbox for additive manufacturing based on JAX.
- jax-dips — Differentiable 3D interfacial PDE solvers written in JAX using the Neural Bootstrapping Method.
- kokiy — Utilities to work on 2D and 3D structured grids
- krak — KraK Python Library
- layermesh — Library for layered computational meshes
- liblaf-melon — Add your description here
- lnmmeshio — Import and export from and to various mesh formats including dat files
- LoopStructural — 3D geological modelling
- mdal — Mesh data processing
- meshplex — Fast tools for simplex meshes
- meshpro — Mesh tools for professionals
- meshtaichi-patcher — a mesh patcher for meshtaichi
- meshwell — GMSH wrapper, with integrated photonics focus
- meshx — A simple tool to convert mesh created from Gmsh to XDMF for use in FEniCS
- metaLattice — A Python package to model lattice metamaterials, using Abaqus.
- microgen — Microstructure generation and meshing
- morphr — no summary
- MpNM — My short description for my project.
- muspectre — µSpectre is an open-source platform for efficient FFT-based continuum mesoscale modelling
- mymesh — Python code for generating and working with meshes.
- naivefea — A simple python library for 2D finite element analysis.
- nanomesh — Creates 3d meshes from microscopy experimental data
- napari-meshio — I/O for mesh files.
- neatmesh — Finite Volume Mesh Quality Inspector
- NeuROM-Py — NeuROM, a NN-PGD architecture based on the HiDeNN Framework (Finite Element Neural Network Interpolation)
- ninpol — Library of Nodal Interpolation Techniques for Finite Volume Schemes
- nutils — Numerical Utilities for Finite Element Analysis
- ocellaris — A discontinuous Galerkin FEM solver for multiphase free surface flows
- ogs5py — ogs5py: a python API for OpenGeoSys5
- ogstools — A collection of Python tools aimed at evolving into a modeling toolchain around OpenGeoSys.
- open-darts — Delft Advanced Research Terra Simulator
- openbim — Structure information modeling.
- optimesh — Mesh optimization/smoothing
- orthopy — Orthogonal polynomials for Python
- orthopy-gpl — The last GPL version of orthopy, published as is
- paddlesci — A library for scientific machine learning
- pancax — no summary
- panta-rhei — Miscellaneous fenics/dolfin utilities that are used in various projects.
- polymesh — A Python package to build, manipulate and analyze polygonal meshes.
- polytex — PolyTex is an open-source toolkit for geometry modeling of fiber tow-based textiles based on volumetric images.
- porous-media — python package working with porous media
- pyadjoint-ad — High-level automatic differentiation library.