Reverse Dependencies of meshcat
The following projects have a declared dependency on meshcat:
- brom_drake — A set of convenient logging and testing tools for the Drake robotics toolbox.
- condynsate — Simulates and visualizes articulated systems in real time
- fourier-utils — no summary
- jiminy-py — Python-native helper methods and wrapping classes for Jiminy open-source simulator.
- meshcat-shapes — Useful shapes to decorate MeshCat scenes.
- motion-planning — A pythonic motion planning library
- placo — PlaCo: Rhoban Planning and Control
- pyroboplan — Educational Python library for manipulator motion planning.
- ravens — Ravens is a collection of simulated tasks in PyBullet for learning vision-based robotic manipulation.
- robomeshcat — RoboMeshCat - Set of utilities for visualizing robots in web-based visualizer MeshCat.
- robot-log-visualizer — Visualizer for robot logger
- teleoperation — Teleoperation for Fourier Robots