Reverse Dependencies of mendeleev
The following projects have a declared dependency on mendeleev:
- abnativ — AbNatiV: a VQ-VAE-based assessment of the nativeness of antibodies.
- alloys-props — Formula-based calculator for alloy properties
- APT-stats — Python Tool for APT Mass Statistics
- ase2sprkkr — ASE (atomic simulation environment) interface to SPRKKR
- atomai — Deep and machine learning for atom-resolved data
- atoMEC — KS-DFT average-atom code
- atomistic — Build atomistic structures such as grain boundaries with Python
- atomistics — Interfaces for atomistic simulation codes and workflows
- atomrdf — Ontology based structural manipulation and quering
- basisopt — Automatic basis set optimization for quantum chemistry
- Bliss — BeamLine Instrumentation Support Software
- bpforms — Unambiguous representation of modified DNA, RNA, and proteins
- calphy — free energy calculation for python
- castep-parse — Input file writers and output file parsers for the density functional theory code CASTEP.
- CASTING — A continuous action space tree search for inverse design (CASTING)
- Chem-I-Calc — no summary
- chemtools — Python tools for quantum chemical calculations
- CombineMols — Easy to combine two molecules
- crystal-functions — Functions to be used with the CRYSTAL code.
- CRYSTALClear — Python framework for the CRYSTAL code.
- CRYSTALpytools — Python tools for the CRYSTAL code developed and mantained by the CRYSTAL code developers.
- crystex — no summary
- darklim — DM Limit Setting and Sensitivity
- deepmd-kit — A deep learning package for many-body potential energy representation and molecular dynamics
- faenet — PyTorch implementation for FAENet from 'FAENet: Frame Averaging Equivariant GNN for Materials Modeling'
- fireballpy — Minimalistic Fireball for Python
- fO2calculate — A python library for calculating the oxygen fugacity of metal-silicate systems using non-ideal activities for Fe-FeO and Si-SiO2 equilibria.
- gaussianutility — Useful utilities to use Gaussian09/16 software
- GravCap — GravCap is a Python tool designed to calculate the gravimetric storage capacity of hydrogen molecules adsorbed on the materials. This utility determines the theoretical weight-based storage capacity.
- jaqpotpy — Client library for managing machine learning models on the Jaqpot platform
- jaxspec — jaxspec is a bayesian spectral fitting library for X-ray astronomy.
- kendrick — Towards automating Kendrick mass plots
- lasertram — For processing LA-ICP-MS data
- lobsterpy — Package for automatic bonding analysis with Lobster/VASP
- masci_tools — masci-tools is a collection of tools for materials science.
- matdb — Welcome to MatDB, a material science database designed to be light weight and portable.
- matgraphdb — Welcome to MatGraphDB, a powerful Python package designed to interface with primary and graph databases for advanced material analysis.
- maxrf4u — Explore your X-Ray Fluorescence spectral images
- mgktools — Marginalized Graph Kernel Library for Molecular Property Prediction
- moseley — Simulating XRF spectra to better understand them
- nfflr — neural force field learning toolkit
- nomodeco — a python package for the determination of optimal internal coordinate systems for molecular structures
- owlspec — Library for optical emission spectroscopy of low-temperature plasmas.
- parsetta — Collection of data parsers and utilities functions
- perovgen — Automated VASP Program with Pymatgen and Aflow
- phaseshifts — Python-based version of the Barbieri/Van Hove phase shift calculation package for LEED/XPD modelling
- phast — no summary
- ppmil — ppmil
- PropertyExtract — "PropertyExtract -- LLM-based model to extract material property from unstructured dataset",
- protein-topmodel — validate molecular structure models
- pydft — pydft
- pyiets — A tool for calculating inelastic tunneling spectra
- pyiron-atomistics — An interface to atomistic simulation codes including but not limited to GPAW, LAMMPS, S/Phi/nX and VASP.
- pyplas — Basic library for low-temperature plasmas.
- pypwdft — pypwdft
- pyzik — functions packages for my physic's students
- qmctorch — Pytorch Implementation of Quantum Monte Carlo
- quasigraph — quasigraph: Chemical and Geometric Descriptor Toolkit for Machine Learning Models.
- rbssim2 — Backscattering simulation
- SeanFunctions — Collection of useful python functions
- simtool — Functions for creating and running sim2Ls
- solvate-step — solvate_step
- specwizard — .
- undi — Muon-Nuclear Dipolar Interaction
- wc-utils — Utilities for whole-cell modeling
- westpy — Python analysis tools for WEST
- zeff — An effective nuclear charge calculator