Reverse Dependencies of medimages4tests
The following projects have a declared dependency on medimages4tests:
- arcana-bids — An Arcana extension for interacting with Brain Imaging Structure (BIDS) datasets and associated "Apps"
- arcana-xnat — An extension of the Arcana framework to apply workflows and analyses on data stored within XNAT data repositories
- fileformats-extras — Extra methods for accessing and manipulating the underlying data referenced by fileformats classes
- fileformats-medimage — Classes for representing various medical imaging file formats in Python classes for use in type hinting in data workflows
- fileformats-medimage-extras — Classes for representing different file formats in Python classes for use in type hinting in data workflows
- fileformats-medimage-mrtrix3-extras — Classes for representing different file formats in Python classes for use in type hinting in data workflows
- fileformats-mrtrix3-extras — Classes for representing different file formats in Python classes for use in type hinting in data workflows
- frametree-bids — An FrameTree extension for interacting with Brain Imaging Structure (BIDS) datasets and associated "Apps"
- frametree-xnat — An extension of FrameTree to support data stored in XNAT repository
- pipeline2app-xnat — An extension of the pipeline2app to support making XNAT container service images
- pydra-mrtrix3 — Pydra tasks for MRtrix3
- pydra2app-xnat — An extension of the pydra2app to support making XNAT container service images
- xnat4tests — Creates basic XNAT instance for API tests