Reverse Dependencies of mediapipe
The following projects have a declared dependency on mediapipe:
- abaci-users — A reusable Django users app
- adetailer — An object detection and auto-mask extension for stable diffusion webui.
- ai-posture-monitor — A package designed to predict static pose and detect falls with 2D RGB Camera in well lit indoor environments.
- aij — AI Journalist
- aiocv — aiocv Is A Python Library Used To Track Hands, Track Pose, Detect Face, Detect Contours (Shapes), Detect Cars, Detect Number Plate, Detect Smile, Detect Eyes, Control Volume Using Gesture, Read QR Codes And Create Face Mesh On Image/Video.
- Alcohol-Total-Game — A collection of mini-games and utilities.
- Alert-Behavior — no summary
- AllenZhouTest123 — Test
- antgrid-server — A package for registering servers in Antgrid.
- antpycv — Arduino Helper Library
- ar-filter — A small example package
- ar-filters — A small example package
- ARFlappy — Classic Flappy Game with Augmented Reality
- ASL-Alpnum-Recognizer — A package for recognizing American Sign Language using hand detection.
- asldatacollector — Package for collecting data and transforming to dataset
- ASLTranslator — Using WebCam to translate ASL to English
- audioscrape — Scrape online audio with a simple command-line interface.
- auto-scroller — A package for detecting hand gestures to control scrolling.
- bechdelai — Automating the Bechdel test and its variants for feminine representation in movies with AI
- bgrm — Remove backgrounds from video feeds in your web cam applications.
- biobridge — A library for simulating all biology related things, analyzing them and visualizing them.
- bodycr — Body Capture and Recognition
- bodytracking — bodytracking is a collection of functions powered by mediapipe and opencv-python.
- bright-tool — no summary
- bsl-translator — Open source library to translate BSL signs into text
- bsl-translator40494773 — Open source library to translate BSL signs into text
- bsl40494773 — Open source library to translate BSL signs into text
- caliscope — GUI based multicamera calibration that integrates with 2D landmark tracking to triangulate 3D landmark positions
- cereja-ai — Cereja-AI is a lib that makes available AI model architectures and pre-trained models for diverse usage.
- ChelsiAI — ChelsiAI is python library to build your own AI virtual assistant with natural language processing.
- cleese-stim — Audio and visual stimuli generation tool
- clipsai — Clips AI is an open-source Python library that automatically converts long videos into clips
- cppfingercount — Made by x21223572. cpp-project finger count package
- CustomCam — Extendable webcam customisation in Python.
- cvindrones — Direct Implementation of computer vision with just a line of code
- cvlearn — Coumputer Vision helping Library
- cvpackage — An helper library for openCv developer.
- detective-pi — A versatile tool for daily use
- detectors-world — Detectors World is a Python package created for building Computer Vision applications in easy and handy way.
- dex_retargeting — Hand pose retargeting for dexterous robot hand.
- dgd — Data monitoring
- dlib2mediapipe — A Python package that allows developers to transition from Dlib to MediaPipe FaceMesh or convert Dlib projects to MediaPipe.
- dronebuddylib — Everything to control and customize Tello
- dronevis — Full compatible drone library to automate computer vision algorithms on parrot drones.
- dt-pose-format — Library for viewing, augmenting, and handling .pose files
- DynamiKontrol-Toolkit — DynamiKontrol Toolkit
- EACheadtracker — webcam headtracker
- eal-dist — Object tracking software for EAL
- easypipe — EasyPipe is a simple tool for developers to build ML applications.
- EdiHeadyTrack — Automatic, markerless measurement of head kinematics using mediapipe and OpenCV
- eggdriver — Your proyect trusted driver.
- ellzaf-ml — Ellzaf ML
- envisionhgdetector — Hand gesture detection using MediaPipe and CNN, kinematic analysis, and visualization.
- etdc — Tool for eye-tracking data collection
- exordium — Collection of utility tools and deep learning methods.
- eye-tracking-collector — Tool for eye-tracking data collection
- face-detec — no summary
- face-pipeline — Single-file face pipeline with YOLO, Mediapipe, and Gradio
- face-projection — This projects main goal is to have a simple library to project information into faces while retaining the facial structure.
- FaceAnalyzer — A python library for face detection and features extraction based on mediapipe library
- faceblur — Faceblur is a Python library and command-line tool to obfuscate faces from photos and videos via blurring them.
- FaceC — Access your webcam and track your face
- FaceDetector-cc — Simple python package to simply use mediapipe face detection.
- facefinder — no summary
- facelandmarks — Human face landmarking via machine learning model
- factory-ai — no summary
- FFEM — Easy and Fast Facial Emotion Monitoring
- flatyplus — a simple program to become content creator
- fnai — A Python library for AI-related functions
- footap — Package d'analyse des touches de balle au football
- fro-AI — A package for easy use of AI application
- fuckoff — no summary
- futurevision — Library that combines Robotics Hardware, iPhone and AI for Everyone
- GazeDetector — A Python package for gaze detection integration in web apps
- gazetimation — Gaze estimation from facial landmarks
- gbvcpkg — A simple gesture based video controller package
- genaibook — Utilities for 'Hands-On Generative AI with Transformers and Diffusion Models' (upcoming)
- gestop — Navigate Desktop with Gestures
- gestualis — Gestualis is an AI-driven framework that interprets sign language from visual sources, converting it into spoken or written language in real time. Using advanced computer vision and deep learning, it accurately recognizes hand gestures, facial expressions, and body movements for precise translation. Adaptable for accessibility tools, real-time translation, and education, it also supports user-defined signs, ensuring inclusivity across linguistic regions.
- gestureflow — A library for simplifying the development of gesture based application development
- gestureops — Basic Package For Hand-Gesture-Driven Computer Operations
- gesys — Control your computer with gestures.
- giftubing — frame-based vtubing, create then use avatar
- glfy — Convert videos and images to ASCII art, including live streaming.
- golftracker — Use open cv to detect critical elements in a golf swing.
- goofi — Real-time neuro-/biosignal processing and streaming pipeline.
- gpilot — AI Journalist
- grlib — Gesture recognition library for Python
- hand-gesture-recognizer — A library for recognizing hand gestures using MediaPipe
- hand-gesture-recognizer-2DCNN — A library for recognizing hand gestures using 2D CNN
- HandDectector — HandDetector
- HandDetector-cc — A simple way to use Mediapipe hand features.
- HandGestureRec — Dynamic hand gesture detection library using ML.
- handjoints-osc — real-time hands tracker, sends joints coords over OSC
- hands-to-text — no summary
- HandsAnalyzer — A python library for hands detection and features extraction based on mediapipe library
- Handtracker — Soura
- HandTracking — This is HandTracking package made by abhinav kourav.
- HandTrackingModule — This is a simplified version to do hand tracking from mediapipe
- helloai — A Python Library For AI Education