Reverse Dependencies of mcap
The following projects have a declared dependency on mcap:
- artefacts-cli — no summary
- depthai-sdk — This package provides an abstraction of the DepthAI API library.
- foxglove-client — Client library for the Foxglove API.
- foxglove-data-platform — Client library for Foxglove Data Platform.
- kappe — Kappe is an efficient data migration tool designed to seamlessly convert and split MCAP files.
- kiwi-booster — Python utility functions and classes for KiwiBot AI&Robotics team
- LogQS — A client for interacting with the LogQS Service.
- mcap-protobuf-support — Protobuf support for the Python MCAP library
- mcap-ros1-support — ROS1 support for the Python MCAP library
- mcap-ros2-support — ROS2 support for the Python MCAP library
- mcap-to-mp4 — A tool to convert ROS topics recored with mcap to MP4 file
- rbyte — Multimodal PyTorch dataset library
- roboto — Official Python toolkit for
- roboto-ingestion-utils — Utility functions for roboto data ingestion
- thebrian — mcap utils