Reverse Dependencies of mayavi
The following projects have a declared dependency on mayavi:
- abinitostudio — A studio for first-principles calculations.
- anipose — Framework for scalable DeepLabCut based analysis including 3D tracking
- astro-synthesizer — Generate astronomical synthetic observations from the command-line
- BDSpaceVis — Mayavi based visualisation tools for BDSpace package
- blockdiagram — Module for creating block diagrams and other three-dimensional displays from stratigraphic models
- brainview — Visualize morphometry neuroimaging data on 3D brain meshes.
- building3d — Towards 3D building physics modeling
- ela — A Python package for exploratory lithology analysis
- ElasticityProject — A collection of classes and routines to help the treatment and presentation of single and polycrystal elastic properties
- empyre — Electron Microscopy Python Reconstruction
- enable — low-level drawing and interaction
- femio — FEM I/O Tool
- fractaldna — FractalDNA is a Python package built to generate DNA geometries for simulations
- geom-lrr — Protein domain annotation tool
- gias3.mapclientpluginutilities — Common modules for GIAS3
- gias3.visualisation — Visualisation modules for GIAS3
- gps-helper — GPS helper module
- icl_sharpy — SHARPy is a nonlinear aeroelastic analysis package developed
- ifermi — Fermi surface plotting tool from DFT output
- img-pipe — Image processing pipeline for localization and identification of electrodes for electrocorticography
- LoadsKernel — The Loads Kernel Software allows for the calculation of quasi-steady and dynamic maneuver loads,
- magellanmapper — 3D atlas analysis and annotation
- mlabtex — mlabtex: A renderer for latex code in mayavi.
- mne-kit-gui — A module for KIT MEG coregistration.
- netneurotools — A toolbox for network neuroscience
- netneurotools-scipyfix — Commonly used tools in the Network Neuroscience Lab
- ogs5py — ogs5py: a python API for OpenGeoSys5
- orbitsim — 3D orbit simulation visualisation tool
- PanelAero — An Implementation of the Vortex Lattice and the Doublet Lattice Method.
- PCA2 — Point Cloud Alignment with PCA
- pyFCST — python library developed for use with OpenFCST
- pygdmUI — A python full-field electrodynamical solver, based on the Green dyadic method (volume integral technique in frequency domain).
- pymech — A Python suite of routines for Nek5000 and Simson.
- pyposeidon-viz — no summary
- pysurfer — PySurfer: cortical surface visualization using Python.
- qmsolve — A module for solving and visualizing the Schrödinger equation
- Roots — Grows artificial axon arbors based on morphometrics extracted from full axon reconstructions.
- sas-cvpy — SAS Computer Vision Interface
- scikit-vector-fields — A package to perform vector field computations
- smart-arabidopsis-traits — Extract geometric traits from top-view images of plants.
- spiffy — Space Interferometer Python Framework
- stratigraph — A Python module for stratigraphic visualization and analysis
- supersolids — Simulate and animate supersolids.
- tietoolbox — Basic ESRI ArcMap/ArcGis Pro TIE Toolbox to perform Trace Information Extraction (TIE) Analysis.
- tvtk-visualiser — A lightweight wrapper over tvtk for visualization without using mayavi.
- untie — Trace Information Extraction (TIE) library
- UOFC-SOAR — A simulation package for aerospace research
- vathos — Vathos Python API.
- wythoff-construct — Constructs and visualizes hyperdimensional polytopes created using Wythoff construction
- xbout — Collect data from BOUT++ runs in python using xarray
- xemc3 — Collect data from EMC3 runs in python using xarray
- xiwa-modules — xiwa modules for tool creator
- yby-list — yanbingyang personal packages
- zonarPy — Read and process Zooglider Zonar data