Reverse Dependencies of matplotlib-scalebar
The following projects have a declared dependency on matplotlib-scalebar:
- anasyspythontools — A suite of Python tools for use with Analysis Studio AFM-IR files.
- biteen-utilities — Tools for working with single-molecule localization data.
- brighteyes-ism — A toolbox for analysing and simulating ISM images
- CellAutDisp — no summary
- celldetective — description
- coincident — Search and analysis of STV Precursor Coincident Datasets
- CompactionAnalyzer — A python package to analyze matrix fiber alignment around cells (proxy for cellular forces)
- compress-em — Particle Picking of Cryo-EM Datasets
- customplotting — customplotting: make publishable quality science figures quickly
- das — DAS
- DefDAP — A python library for correlating EBSD and HRDIC data.
- directionality-quantification — Package for cell directionality quantification.
- esda — Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis in PySAL
- FluroView — A Python package for visualization of biological data, similar to how composite images are viewed in ImageJ
- g80sxm — Analyse and create figures for Nanonis SPM data
- geosnap — The Geospatial Neighborhood Analysis Package
- graphcompass — Spatial metrics for differential analyses of cell organization across conditions
- gtfspy — Python package for analyzing public transport timetables
- jfibsem-dat — no summary
- jointforces — A Python package to conduct 3D Traction Force Microcopy on multicelluar aggregates (spheroids).
- magellanmapper — 3D atlas analysis and annotation
- microfilm — Creating figures and animations for multi-channel images with a focus on microscopy.
- ml4floods — Machine learning models for end-to-end flood extent segmentation.
- morphopy — Python package to display morphologies of neurons and compute statistical measures and representations
- napari-psf-analysis — A plugin to analyse point spread functions (PSFs).
- netpyne — A Python package to develop, simulate and analyse biological neuronal networks in NEURON.
- orix — orix is an open-source Python library for handling crystal orientation mapping data
- patato — A Python Toolkit for the analysis of photoacoustic tomography data.
- psf-analysis-CFIM — A continuation of napari_psf_analysis, developed for CFIM - KU
- ptyrodactyl — Ptychography through differentiable programming in JAX
- pyMonteCarlo-GUI — Python interface for Monte Carlo simulation programs
- pyNeuroTrace — Python code for neural time series
- pyomu — Performs accessibility analysis
- pytRIBS — A pre-to-post processing python package for the distributed hydrological model tRIBS
- raster-basics — Basic GeoTIFF Processing
- RHaP — A python library to analyse hydride morphology present in light optical and scanning electron micrographs.
- rosettasciio — Reading and writing scientific file formats
- sainsc — Segmentation-free Analysis of In Situ Capture data
- scatterem — scatterem
- scematk — no summary
- seaborn-image — Attractive, descriptive and effective image visualization with seaborn-like API built on top of matplotlib
- seacharts — Electronic navigational charts (ENCs) processing & visualization
- segregation — Analytics for spatial and non-spatial segregation in Python.
- shakecore — Shake events locating and focal mechanism analysis
- simple-swath — Module that provides tools to extract swath profile using a shapefile
- SingleOrigin — Crystallographic analysis for STEM data
- snom-analysis — Package for displaying and manipulating SNOM and AFM data
- spaghetti — Analysis of Network-constrained Spatial Data
- spatialdata-plot — Static plotting for spatial data.
- spherpro — Tool to analize tumor spheroid data
- spopt — Spatial Optimization in PySAL
- squidpy — Spatial Single Cell Analysis in Python
- stars-omics — A spatial transcriptomics analysis tool.
- stemtool — A single package for analyzing atomic resolution STEM, 4D-STEM and STEM-EELS datasets, along with basic STEM simulation functionality
- StereoUtils — scanpy extra function for STOmics
- SyMBac — A package for generating synthetic images of bactera in phase contrast or fluorescence. Used for creating training data for machine learning segmentation and tracking algorithms.
- SysTool — Set of high level funcions that optimize our work as transport planners. Should work along with spyder=5.4.4
- temmeta — TEMMETA is a library for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (meta)data manipulation
- TopoTEM — no summary
- topotem-test — no summary
- ufro-uhi-plot — Python proyect to plotting urban heat island.
- urbantrips — A library to process public transit smart card data.
- zrhappy — A python library to analyse hydride morphology present in light optical and scanning electron micrographs.