Reverse Dependencies of matminer
The following projects have a declared dependency on matminer:
- amdnet — Structure motif-centric learning framework for inorganic crystalline systems.
- autocat — Tools for automated generation of catalyst structures and sequential learning
- automatminer — automated machine learning for materials science
- CAMD — camd is software designed to support autonomous materials research and sequential learning
- CoREMOF-tools — Python API for CoRE MOF 2024 DB
- elastool — Elastic tool for zero and finite-temperature elastic constants and mechanical properties calculations
- emmet — Emmet is a builder framework for the Materials Project
- emmet-builders — Builders for the Emmet Library
- gridrdf — Grouped representation of interatomic distances
- LEAFeatures — Local Enviroment-induced Atomic Features (LEAF)
- mastml — MAterials Simulation Toolkit - Machine Learning
- mat_discover — Data-driven materials discovery based on composition or structure.
- matbench-genmetrics — Generative materials benchmarking metrics, inspired by CDVAE.
- matdb — Welcome to MatDB, a material science database designed to be light weight and portable.
- matgraphdb — Welcome to MatGraphDB, a powerful Python package designed to interface with primary and graph databases for advanced material analysis.
- mlrap — Machine Learning Regression Analyse Packages
- mofdscribe — Ecosystem for digital reticular chemistry
- mofpy — Python package to handle MOF structures and perform various analysis.
- mp-time-split — Use Materials Project time-splits for generative modeling benchmarking.
- oximachine-featurizer — Mine MOF oxidation states and featurize metal sites.
- piro — piro is software designed to assist in planning of synthesis pathways for inorganics
- pumml — Positive and Unlabeled Materials Machine Learning (pumml) is a code that uses semi-supervised positive and unlabeled (PU) machine learning to classify materials when data is incomplete and only examples of 'positive' materials are available.
- pyhrmc — A Python implementation of Hybrid Reverse Monte Carlo for electron scattering of thin films
- pyhrmc-dev — A Python implementation of Hybrid Reverse Monte Carlo for electron scattering of thin films
- pymatviz — A toolkit for visualizations in materials informatics
- robocrys — Automatic generation of crystal structure descriptions
- simmate — Simmate is a toolbox for computational materials research.
- SMACT — Semiconducting Materials by Analogy and Chemical Theory
- smatool — "SMATool - Automated toolkit for computing zero and finite-temperature strength of materials",
- smlb — Scientific Machine Learning Benchmark
- thick2d — "THICK-2D -- Thickness Hierarchy Inference & Calculation Kit for 2D materials",
- unlockNN — Uncertainty quantification for neural network models of chemical systems.
- xtal2txt — Package to encode and decode crystal structures into text representations