Reverse Dependencies of
The following projects have a declared dependency on
- ananas — Mastodon bot framework built on
- Authl — Framework-agnostic authentication wrapper
- autopost — Auto-posts social media updates
- barkr — Yet another cross-posting tool in Python
- better-feediverse — Connect an RSS Feed to Mastodon
- board-game-bot — Board game recommender bots 🤖
- botfriend — A server-side framework that makes it easy to manage artistic bots that post to social media.
- botskeleton — A skeleton for content bots.
- cleantoots — Cleanup your toot history.
- collective.mastodon — Mastodon integration for Plone.
- cosoensis — Command-line Mastodon client
- delab-socialmedia — a library to download reply trees in forums and social media
- diyalgo — DIY Algorithms for Mastodon
- django-toots — An app to manage toots (Mastodon posts) in a Django project
- djpress-publish-mastodon — A plugin for DJ Press that publishes new posts to Mastodon.
- dootle — A Library of extensions for Doot task running
- ephemetoot — A command line tool to delete your old toots
- — Emulate group accounts on Mastodon/Pleroma
- FediVuln — A client to gather vulnerability-related information from the Fediverse.
- feed2toot — Parse rss feeds and send new posts to Mastodon
- feediverse — Connect an RSS Feed to Mastodon
- geotribu — Une ligne de commande pour Geotribu qui offre des outils pour rechercher et consulter les contenus et images, et faciliter les tâches récurrentes des contributeur/ices.
- iamlistening — A python package to interact with messaging platform.
- infobot — Infobot is an extensible social media posting bot. It grabs candidate posts from a directory at random times and posts to different social media networks.
- last-shout — Post statistics to Twitter and/or Mastodon
- layrageu — Send Mastodon threads from Flat OpenDocument files.
- locnus — Giant sloth
- mastobot — Create cheap Mastodon bots in a Flask-like syntax
- mastodon-social-graph — Mastodon social graph with an SQL backend, in-memory cache, and built-in, on-demand web scraper.
- mastomsg — Tool to help mastodon server admins to conveniently reach certain parts of their user base with DMs.
- mqttwarn — mqttwarn - subscribe to MQTT topics and notify pluggable services
- nefelibata — A blog engine focusing on data ownership and persistence.
- nipyproto — Post only client for Nostr, Activity Pub, and AT
- persyn — Personality Syndrome. Persyn for short.
- petminion — An application/framework for automated training of animals
- pfxposter — A simple PixelFed to Mastodon/Twitter crossposter
- polybot — A simple framework for building robust social media bots for multiple networks
- pyborg — Markov chain (chat) bot for a suite for modern services (discord, irc, twitter, mastodon, file, linein)
- pystodon — no summary
- pyxavi — Set of utilities to assist on simple Python projects
- sayminimal — A minimalist write-only Mastodon client.
- silorider — Scans a website's microformats and cross-posts content to 'silo' services.
- simplebot-mastodon — Mastodon/DeltaChat bridge.
- sphinx-fediverse — Add fediverse comments to your sphinx page
- t2m — Twitter to Mastodon timeline forwarding tool
- textualdon — A Mastodon client built with the Textual framework
- tootapari — A plugin to send Mastodon toots from napari
- — Group account features on Mastodon and many other Fediverse platforms
- tootlogger — Log your Mastodon toots to DayOne
- tootnotify — Command line tool to send DM notifications to a mastodon user.
- tootstream — A command line interface for interacting with Mastodon instances
- trackthenews — Monitor RSS feeds for keywords and act on matching results. A special project of the Freedom of the Press Foundation.
- tweepy-mastodon — Mastodon library with Tweepy interface for Python
- twootfeed — generate a rss feed from Twitter or Mastodon search
- ws.mastodump — Incremental export of mastodon posts and boosts to plain text
- yarfox — Cross-post from Mastodon to twitter