Reverse Dependencies of mashumaro
The following projects have a declared dependency on mashumaro:
- aioaudiobookshelf — Async library for Audiobookshelf
- aioautomower — MPython module to talk to Husqvarna Automower.
- aioelectricitymaps — Async Python 3 wrapper for Electricity maps
- aiohasupervisor — Asynchronous python client for Home Assistant Supervisor.
- aiohomeconnect — An asyncio client for the Home Connect API.
- aiohydroottawa — no summary
- aiojellyfin — Async library for Jellyfin
- aiomealie — Asynchronous Python client for Mealie.
- aionotion — A simple Python 3 library for Notion Home Monitoring
- aioopendoors — Asynchronous library to communicate with the Opendoors API.
- aioopenexchangerates — Fetch rates from openexchangerates with aiohttp.
- aiortm — Use the Remember the Milk API with aiohttp.
- aiorussound — Asyncio client for Russound RIO devices.
- aiosabnzbd — Async Python 3 wrapper for SABnzbd
- aiostreammagic — An async python package for interfacing with Cambridge Audio / Stream Magic compatible streamers.
- aiotainer — MPython module to talk to a Portainer.
- aiotankerkoenig — Async Python 3 client for
- airgradient — Asynchronous Python client for AirGradient.
- aligned — A data managment and lineage tool for ML applications.
- allophant — A multilingual phoneme recognizer capable of generalizing zero-shot to unseen phoneme inventories.
- asyncarve — Simple Arve library
- autarco — Asynchronous Python client for the Autarco Inverters
- balena-cloud — Asynchronous Python client to interact with the Balena Cloud API
- balto-core — With balto, data analysts and engineers can build analytics the way engineers build applications.
- boltz — Boltz-1
- citycom-mv-api — A Python wrapper for citycom-mv water meters api
- clanguru — C language utils and tools based on the clang module.
- collate-data-diff — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- cuinixam-app-dev — My application development modules.
- cz-data-diff — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- dash-annotate-cv — A Python library for computer vision annotation tasks using Dash
- data-diff — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- data-diff-customize — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- dataclass-wizard — Lightning-fast JSON wizardry for Python dataclasses — effortless serialization right out of the box!
- dbt-adapters — The set of adapter protocols and base functionality that supports integration with dbt-core
- dbt-common — The shared common utilities that dbt-core and adapter implementations use
- dbt-core — With dbt, data analysts and engineers can build analytics the way engineers build applications.
- dbt-profiles — no summary
- dbt-sl-sdk — A client for dbt's Semantic Layer
- dcs-cli — SDK for DataChecks
- dcs-sdk — SDK for DataChecks
- demetriek — Asynchronous Python client for LaMetric TIME devices
- discord-fate-bot — Discord bot to help run a FATE campaign
- domika-ha-framework — Domika integration module framework.
- dsbapi — no summary
- eindhoven — Asynchronous Python client providing Open Data information of Eindhoven
- elgato — Asynchronous Python client for Elgato Lights.
- flux-local — flux-local is a python library and set of tools for managing a flux gitops repository, with validation steps to help improve quality of commits, PRs, and general local testing.
- flytekit — Flyte SDK for Python
- flytezen — Library for benchmarking the impact of transcript count type stratification on trajectory inference.
- fppclient — Asynchronous Python client for FPP.
- frigate-event-handler — no summary
- fyta-cli — Python library to access the FYTA API
- go2rtc-client — Python client for go2rtc
- google-nest-sdm — Library for the Google Nest SDM API
- google-photos-library-api — A python client library for Google Photos Library API
- gotailwind — Asynchronous Python client for Tailwind garage door openers.
- Habiticalib — Asynchronous Python client library for the Habitica API
- hostdb — Hostdb manages homelab hosts using infrastructure as code principles.
- houseofreps — Apportionment of representatives in U.S. House of Representatives.
- huum — Python library for Huum saunas
- iec-api — A Python wrapper for Israel Electric Company API
- in-dbt-core — Release for LinkedIn's changes to dbt-core.
- kassalappy — Python client for the API
- klyqa — Connection Library for Klyqa REST enabled devices
- knocki — Asynchronous Python client for Knocki.
- liminal-sdk-python — The Liminal SDK for Python
- luchtmeetnetapi — API client for the Dutch air quality monitoring network
- music-assistant-models — Music Assistant Base Models
- mutapath — mutable pathlib
- mylightsystems — Asynchronous Python client for MyLight Systems.
- myskoda — Library for interaction with the MySkoda APIs.
- nednl — Gain insight into current and predictive energy data from The Netherlands
- nrk-psapi — Unofficial python library for interacting with the NRK Podcast API.
- nyt_games — Asynchronous Python client for NYT games.
- odd-cli — Command line tool for working with OpenDataDiscovery.
- onedrive-personal-sdk — A package to interact with the Microsoft Graph API for personal OneDrives.
- oonidata — no summary
- open-meteo — Asynchronous client for the Open-Meteo API.
- openapify — Framework agnostic OpenAPI Specification generation for code lovers
- pazgas-power — A python wrapper for PazGas Power
- peblar — Asynchronous Python client for Peblar EV chargers.
- podme-api — A client library for using the web API
- podplay-api — A client library for using the web API
- politikontroller-py — Unofficial client for
- powerfox — Asynchronous Python client for the Powerfox devices
- pvo — Asynchronous client for the PVOutput API.
- pxblat — A native python binding for blat suite
- py-app-dev — My application development modules.
- py-my-bezeq — Bezeq API wrapper for my-bezeq interface
- pybeandi — Python Dependency Injection library
- pydiscovergy — Async Python 3 library for interacting with Discovergy smart meters API
- pymammotion — no summary
- pymctp — PyMCTP is a tool to craft/decode DMTF MCTP communication packets
- pyoak — Library for building and working with arbitrary ASTs on top dataclasses
- pyrail — A Python wrapper for the iRail API
- pyrainbird — Rain Bird Controller
- pyrgo — no summary
- pyrovelocity — A multivariate RNA Velocity model to estimate future cell states with uncertainty using probabilistic modeling with pyro.
- pysmartthings — Asynchronous Python client for SmartThings.