Reverse Dependencies of markovify
The following projects have a declared dependency on markovify:
- aideml — Autonomous AI for Data Science and Machine Learning
- araugment — Augment Arabic data for deep learning tasks
- astra-bot — Discord bot capable of storing 'quotes' by users and simple construction of humorous sentences.
- data-genie — A small genie to generate test data
- davebot — A screenplay bot
- django-markov — django-markov is a reusable Django app that enables you to create Markov text models, and store them in the database. Those models can then be used to generate Markov chain sentences.
- Flask-Prose — A flask extension for generating markov prose
- forebodere — Discord quote bot
- generativepoetry — A library primarily for procedurally generating visual poems
- hehe-maker — A simple command line tool to modify papers in PDF format. Can also create new articles from PDF(s).
- helga-markovify — Ingest corpuses of text and output a sentence generated from markov chains
- ia-markov — A Markov model trained on Internet Archive text files.
- markify — Markify is an open source command line application written in python which scrapes data from your social media(s) (ie reddit, discord, and twitter for now) and generates new setences based on them using markov chains. For more information, please visit
- markov-novel — Write a random novel using markov chains.
- markovbot — Make a markov chain based twitter bot
- markovchatter — Easy Markov chain text generator.
- markovgram — Parse GDPR-exported Telegram data and create markovify Texts
- markovpack — A Royalnet pack to have fun with Markovify.
- mattes-dada — Semi-random text generator using Markov chains
- memorable_password — Generate sentence of context, along with keywords/PIN/passwords to make sure you memorize it!!!
- mimicbot — A Twitter mimic bot
- mkv-this — cli wrapper for markovify: take a text file, directory, pdf or url, markovify, save the results.
- powersall — file extension info
- prosedecomposer — Decompose, transform, and recombine prose into mutated forms.
- randomsentence — Generate a sentence, randomly or from a list of keywords/initials. This is based on Brown corpus.
- shikaku — Toolbox for Japanese text.
- twitter_markov — Create markov chain ("_ebooks") accounts on Twitter
- uectl — @uec_tlに使用するマルコフ連鎖による文章生成とテキスト処理のためのパッケージ
- ujimaru-markov-model — no summary
- yogaflo — Yoga Flow Generator