Reverse Dependencies of Markdown
The following projects have a declared dependency on Markdown:
- errbot-feiyang — Errbot is a chatbot designed to be simple to extend with plugins written in Python.
- errbot-hl — Errbot is a chatbot designed to be simple to extend with plugins written in Python.
- esparto — Data driven report builder for the PyData ecosystem.
- ETS-CookBook — The ETS (TNO) CookBook of useful Python Scripts
- euclv — Face emotion detection for affective computing
- eurelis-kb-framework — Framework to build and manage knowledge bases. Based on LangChain under the hood.
- eurelis-llmatoolkit — Framework to build and manage IA based applications. Based on Langchain under the hood.
- Evariste — Publish annoted and compiled directory tree.
- eve-SMLM — Eve-SMLM: A Python package for single molecule localization microscopy from event-based sensors
- evennia-wiki — A simple Django app to add a wiki to Evennia
- evileg-core — (ESNF-C) EVILEG Social Network Framework - Core Module.
- evoke — a simple and powerful python web framework with pythonic "evo" templating
- exhibition — A Python static site generator
- expon — Experiment tool for deep learning (PyTorch).
- ExpoSeq — A pacakge which provides various ways to analyze NGS data from phage display campaigns
- exprec — Exprec records your experiments so you can compare different runs and easily reproduce results.
- extension — Utilities for python.
- EzCommit — no summary
- ezcommit02 — no summary
- ezcv — An easy to use personal site generator
- ezflow — A PyTorch library for optical flow estimation using neural networks
- f2ap — Put your website on the Fediverse thanks to your RSS/Atom feed
- face-detector — State-of-the-art face detection and landmarks localization
- face-tagger — A library for face recognition in multiple images and classification of photos containing each individual.
- factgenie — Lightweight self-hosted span annotation tool
- fakeNewsDetector — Lib for course work
- fancy-nlp — NLP for humans
- fancyboxmd — Extension for python-markdown that adds markdown syntax for !![image.jpg] for fancybox tag.
- faraday-plugins — Faraday plugins package
- farm-haystack — LLM framework to build customizable, production-ready LLM applications. Connect components (models, vector DBs, file converters) to pipelines or agents that can interact with your data.
- fast-tts — no summary
- fastapi-blog — Blogging for FastAPI
- fastmrz — Extracts the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) data from document images
- fatafat — A static blog generator and an offline blogging tool.
- fatush — Simple utility tools for translating fastapi documentation
- Feedmark — Feedmark: a curation-oriented subset of Markdown, and tools for processing it
- Feni — A simple static site generator.
- fenics-basix — Basix Python interface
- feno — feno: Flexible Exercise Notation Organizer
- Few-Shot-Learning-NLP — This library provides tools and utilities for Few Shot Learning in Natural Language Processing (NLP).
- ffun — Backend for the Feeds Fun — web-based news reader
- fh-bootstrap — Bootstrap for FastHTML
- fiction-dl — A content downloader, capable of retrieving works of (fan)fiction from the web and saving them in a few common file formats.
- fietsboek — GPX file sharing website
- filereport — HTML generator
- filmapia — The funniest joke in the world
- filterify — filterify is a pydantic-based library to handle filters from the query params.
- fin-indicator — A library that calculates financial indicators and different signals resulting from Japanese candlestick patterns and indicators.
- final-code-203 — no summary
- Find-Sitemap — A set of data tools in Python
- fiqus — Source code for STEAM FiQuS tool
- firefighter-incident — Incident Management tool made for Slack using Django
- fishsound-finder — Python software to automatically detect fish sounds in passive acoustic recordings
- flamme — A library to generate custom reports of pandas DataFrames
- Flasik — A mid stack Flask based framework that put structure in the file system. Features: Caching, Mailing, Storage, CSRF, recaptcha, Cors. Supports HTML and Markdown and more
- flask-assembly — A mid stack Flask based framework that put structure in the file system. Features: Caching, Mailing, Storage, CSRF, recaptcha, Cors. Supports HTML and Markdown and more
- Flask-Blogging — A flask extension for adding Markdown blog support to your site
- flask-bloggy — A simple but fast blog extension for Flask.
- flask-collections — Static collections for Flask
- Flask-FlatPages — Provides flat static pages to a Flask application
- Flask-GFM — GitHub Flavored Markdown jinja2 extension for Flask
- flask-mailman-templates — Templates for Flask-Mailman
- flask-markdown-to-html — 可以在flask中查看markdown代码
- Flask-MD — Small extension to make using markdown easy in Flask in Python3.5+.
- flask-mulang — Flask Extension for multi language support.
- flask_simplelogin — Flask Simple Login - Login Extension for Flask
- flask-wiki — Simple file-based wiki for Flask
- flaskxxl — quick way to design large flask projects
- fleval — Flask app for grading or rating submissions, applications, etc.
- flexidata — FlexiData is an open-source Python package designed for processing unstructured data.
- flika — An interactive image processing program for biologists written in Python.
- flores — Yet another static site generator.
- flown — Notebook friendly MLflow viewer
- flowright — no summary
- fluen — LLM-based AI powered Code Documentation Generator
- fluidai-sanatio — Run different validation tests on machine learning models.
- fluidgpt — Run different validation tests on machine learning models.
- flytekitplugins-deck-standard — This Plugin provides more renderers to improve task visibility
- fm-track — Feature-based fiducial marker tracking software for applications in cell mechanics
- fme-packager — Tool for creating FME Packages.
- fmeval — Amazon Foundation Model Evaluations
- fmskill — Compare results from MIKE simulations with observations.
- fogstone — Simple helpdesk system
- foliantcontrib.elasticsearch — Elasticsearch integration extension for Foliant.
- foliantcontrib.history — Preprocessor for Foliant for generating history of releases.
- foliantcontrib.reindexer — Reindexer integration extension for Foliant.
- fontawesome-in-markdown — Markdown extension to include FontAwesome icons with ease.
- fontquery — Query a font in Fedora release
- FORD — FORD (FORtran Documenter) is an automatic documentation generator for modern Fortran programs.
- formative — Self-hosted web app for collecting form responses and files
- formextension — no summary
- forthic-lang — A stack-based language for concisely building tweakable apps
- fortrex — fortrex-cli tool to censor IPs and other sensitive information before putting it in the report generator
- fprime — F Prime Flight Software core data types
- fprime-tools — F Prime Flight Software tooling, helpers and core data types
- FreeTVG-karjakak — Tree View Gui for outline treeview note.
- frequenz-api-dispatch — Frequenz gRPC API to propagate dispatches to microgrids
- frequenz-api-electricity-trading — Specification for Electricity Trading API.
- frequenz-api-reporting — Frequenz gRPC API to aggregate component data from microgrids
- frequenz-api-weather — Frequenz gRPC API for retrieving weather forecasts.