Reverse Dependencies of Markdown
The following projects have a declared dependency on Markdown:
- tabrec-v — tabrec-v
- tagging-system — no summary
- tagtomarkdown — Python3 markdown extension for converting tags to Markdown table
- taipy-gui — Low-code library to create graphical user interfaces on the Web for your Python applications.
- talmud-debts — Split estate to array of creditors using talmudic game theory
- tango-shared-core — Tango shared/core functionality.
- tanuky — simple & flexible SSG
- tb-nightly — TensorBoard lets you watch Tensors Flow
- tcw — tiny contest winners application
- TDY-PKG — its an implimentation of TF-2 , Detectron and yolov5
- TDY-PKG-saquibquddus — its an implimentation of TF-2 , Detectron and yolov5
- teacherhelper — Useful abstractions and CLI to make teaching more scriptable.
- ted-talk-video-downloader — Awesome ted_talk_video_downloader created by WagnoLeaoSergio
- telebot-components — Framework/toolkit for building Telegram bots with telebot and redis
- tensorboard — TensorBoard lets you watch Tensors Flow
- tensorflow-ml — Tensorflow ML
- tensorflow-tensorboard — TensorBoard lets you watch Tensors Flow
- tensorio-bundler — Bundle models for use with TensorIO
- terminaider — AI assistant for your terminal
- TerminalApplication — no summary
- termynal — A lightweight and modern animated terminal window
- tesseract-client — Client for Tesseract API
- test-automation-libraries — Basic libraries for test autoamtion
- test-mark — A simple function for mathematical operations
- testgailbot002 — GailBot API
- testgailbotapi — GailBot Test API
- testgailbotapi001 — GailBot Test API
- tetra — Full stack component framework for Django using Alpine.js
- text2qti — Create quizzes in QTI format from Markdown-based plain text
- textx-dsldoc — Autogeneration of DSL documentation for TextX
- TFF-data-converter — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- TFFconverter — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- TFFdata — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- TFFdatasetconverter — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- tfimm — TensorFlow port of PyTorch Image Models (timm) - image models with pretrained weights
- TFOD-Automatic — Automated Object detection for Beginner using python and Tensorflow
- tg-apicore — Opinionated API framework on top of Django REST framework
- tgc — Telegram Channel Backup Crawler
- tgcc — TechGeeks Compiler Collections
- tghtml — Simple tool for parse common HTML to Telegram HTML
- tgzr.declare — Component UI
- thoughtstorms — Components from Project ThoughtStorms (ThoughtStorms wiki and associated software)
- tiangolo-markdown-include — This is an extension to Python-Markdown which provides an "include" function, similar to that found in LaTeX (and also the C pre-processor and Fortran). I originally wrote it for my FORD Fortran auto-documentation generator.
- tidynotes — A simple digital notebook using Markdown.
- tier-mkdocs-techdocs-core — The core MkDocs plugin used by Backstage's TechDocs as a wrapper around multiple MkDocs plugins and Python Markdown extensions - Customized by TIER Mobility SE.
- tigerblog — Simplest Blog Engine for Developers
- tily — Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes prediction based on Whole Slide Imaging.
- timetagger — Tag your time, get the insight - an open source time tracker for individuals
- tiny-markdown-server — Python based Tiny Markdown Server, which transforms Markdown files to webpages and shows it in a browser with auto-reload.
- tir — A minimalist static site generator for thoughtful people
- tkintermd — A Python based Markdown editor with HTML preview
- tkitreadability — Terry toolkit tkitreadability
- tmp-fat-pdocs — A simple program and library to auto generate API documentation for Python modules.
- tmt — Test Management Tool
- toc2audio — Add Table of Contents and chapters to audio files
- tokyo-lineage — Tokyo Lineage
- tom-fink — The Fink Alert Broker Module for the TOM Toolkit. Fink is a broker currently connected to ZTF. More information on Fink at
- tomte — A library that wraps many useful tools (linters, analysers, etc) to keep Python code clean, secure, well-documented and optimised.
- tomtoolkit — TOM Toolkit and base modules
- tools4zettelkasten — This project provides tools to setupa Zettelkasten System based on simple interlinked markdown files
- topicmodels — A package for topic modelling in python.
- toro-element — create element with markdown syntax
- tpds-application — Microchip(SPG) Trust Platform Standalone Application
- tpds-core — Microchip(SPG) Trust Platform Core
- TrackSegNet — Segmentation of trajectories into diffusive states using supervised LSTM network
- TracMarkdownMacro — Implements Markdown syntax WikiProcessor as a Trac macro.
- trakai — A simple blog generator designed specially to integrate into existing sites.
- translation-canvas — Translation Canvas - A tool for evaluating and visualizing machine translation models
- tridentx — Make pytorch and tensorflow two become one.
- triplet-tools — A toolbox for creating and training triplet networks in tensorflow
- tsg-extensions — Markdown extensions
- TSInterpret — todo
- tsoncli — TSON Command Line Interface
- tsumiki — tsumiki is a markup language to process multiple columns.
- tungstenkit — ML container made simple
- turandot — Turandot Markdown Converter
- turing-machine-utils — Calculate the result of a turing machine on a given tape
- tusk-editor — A modern terminal-based Markdown editor
- tx-manager — Classes for executing tX Manager
- txmd — A textual markdown viewer CLI
- txp — Txp is the main Python Package from Tranxpert predictive maintenance solution
- txtpy — Processor Text Fabric Data
- typeshed-stats — Library and command-line tool to gather stats on typeshed packages
- udata-search-service — udata search service
- udn-songbook — songbook and songsheet management for songsheets in ukedown format
- ugctools — no summary
- ukedown — Markdown extensions for songsheet creation
- umodules — Organize your Unity Projects with uModules
- unicms — uniCMS is a Django Web Content Management System
- unitreport — A small unittest-based tool for generating single page html reports in Python.
- universal-parser-tool — Useful tool to speedup testing in cp-programming
- unstructured — A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks.
- unstructured-cpu — A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks.
- upstream-ontologist — tracking of upstream project metadata
- uptodateai — A package for crawling and converting web content to Markdown
- ursus-ssg — Static site generator
- usa-csc-526-by-spc — USA CSC 526 Final Project
- utilsbox — Contains useful functions and classes
- vaers-downloader — VAERS DATA DOWNLOADER
- validmind — ValidMind Developer Framework