Reverse Dependencies of markdown-include
The following projects have a declared dependency on markdown-include:
- aerokit — Python tools for basic fluid mechanics computations
- aiogram — Modern and fully asynchronous framework for Telegram Bot API
- allennlp — An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch.
- aloha — Aloha - a versatile Python utility package for building services
- amset — AMSET is a tool to calculate carrier transport properties from ab initio calculation data
- apidaora — ASGI App using dataclasses module for request/response objects
- aprofiles — Analysis of atmospheric profilers measurements
- asyncapi — asyncapi
- auroris — Data Curation in Polaris
- authx_core — Utilities to help reduce boilerplate and reuse common functionality, Based to Support Building of Authx & Authx-lite
- Bestatic — A simple but really powerful static-site generator
- capacho — A tool for registering implementations and provisioning them with containers, facilitating seamless integration and management
- cfdtools — Tools for mesh and solution management in CFD
- chunli — chunli
- class-based-fastapi — Class based routing for FastAPI
- cleanrl — High-quality single file implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms with research-friendly features
- colearn — The Standalone Fetch AI Collective Learning Framework
- compliance-trestle — Tools to manage & autogenerate python objects representing the OSCAL layers/models
- compliance-trestle-fedramp — Trestle plugin for FedRAMP validation and format conversion
- confdaora — confdaora
- convtools — dynamic, declarative data transformations with automatic code generation
- dataclassesapi — ASGI App using dataclasses module for request/response objects
- dataclassesdb — Generates ***SQL*** and ***NoSQL*** Database Models from @dataclass
- datamate — A data organization and compilation system.
- datarails — A simple lightweight library for Dataframe based ETL pipelines
- db4me — Basic sqlalchemy helpers
- dbdaora — Communicates with databases using repository pattern and service patterns
- dictdaora — dictdaora
- django-admin-extra-buttons — Django mixin to easily add buttons to any ModelAdmin
- django-adminfilters — Django mixin to easily add buttons to any ModelAdmin
- django-api-framework — Django Easy API - Easy and Fast Django REST framework based on Django-ninja-extra
- django-grainy — granular permissions for django
- django-ninja — Django Ninja - Fast Django REST framework
- django-ninja-extra-easy — Django Ninja Extra - Class Based Utility and more for Django Ninja(Fast Django REST framework)
- django-ninja-jwt — Django Ninja JWT - JSON Web Token for Django-Ninja
- django-shinobi — Django Ninja - Fast Django REST framework
- docutools — Documentation Tools for the Mkdocs Material Framework
- dstl — DataSet TransLation (DSTL) provides utilities to translate annotated natural language data from one language to another.
- duqtools — Dynamic uncertainty quantification for Tokamak reactor simulations modelling
- earth-osm — Python tool to extract large-amounts of OpenStreetMap data
- earthaccess — Client library for NASA Earthdata APIs
- eccs — Code for the 'Exposing Critical Causal Structures' project.
- edk2-pytool-extensions — Python tools supporting UEFI EDK2 firmware development
- edk2-pytool-library — Python library supporting UEFI EDK2 firmware development
- energypylinear — Optimizing energy assets with mixed-integer linear programming.
- fastapi-debug-toolbar — A debug toolbar for FastAPI.
- fastapi-jwt-auth — FastAPI extension that provides JWT Auth support (secure, easy to use and lightweight)
- fastapi-jwt-auth_md — FastAPI extension that provides JWT Auth support (secure, easy to use and lightweight)
- fastapi-jwt-auth2 — FastAPI extension that provides JWT Auth support (secure, easy to use and lightweight)
- fastapi-paseto-auth — FastAPI extension that provides PASETO Auth support
- fastapi_passwordless — Passwordless Auth for FastAPI!
- fastapi-sessions — Ready-to-use session library for FastAPI
- filterify — filterify is a pydantic-based library to handle filters from the query params.
- fiqus — Source code for STEAM FiQuS tool
- flyvis — Connectome and task-constrained vision models of the fruit fly.
- FORD — FORD (FORtran Documenter) is an automatic documentation generator for modern Fortran programs.
- fwl-calliope — Planetary accretion and volatile delivery model
- fwl-janus — Temperature structure generator for planetory atmospheres.
- fwl-mors — Stellar rotation and activity evolution model
- fwl-proteus — Coupled atmosphere-interior framework to simulate the temporal evolution of rocky planets
- fwl-zephyrus — Atmospheric escape models of exoplanets.
- gemdat — Generalized Molecular Dynamics Analysis Tool
- git-goose — A picky and eager Git hook runner.
- glQiwiApi — The ultrarapid and multifunctional wrapper over QIWI and YooMoney
- gpt-engineer — Specify what you want it to build, the AI asks for clarification, and then builds it.
- gslibutils — Contains utilities to load/save GSLIB files, such as
- handy-utils-agni — Handy Utils for daily use
- imas2xarray — Imas2xarray is a tool reading IMAS data in hdf5 format into xarray.
- instamatic — Python program for automated electron diffraction data collection
- jaxley — Differentiable neuron simulations.
- jaxley-mech — A Jaxley-based library of ion channels and syanpses for biophysical neuron models.
- jsondaora — Interoperates @dataclass with json objects
- lastversion — A CLI tool to find the latest stable version of an arbitrary project
- levy — Dynamic python configuration parser
- log2me — Basic logging helpers.
- masogram — Modern and fully asynchronous framework for Telegram Bot API
- mavis — A Structural Variant Post-Processing Package
- mavis-config — Config validation for running MAVIS via Snakemake
- mavis-temp — Config validation for running MAVIS via Snakemake
- mccole — Simple template for static web sites
- medit — Markup Editor
- meiga — A simple, typed and monad-based Result type for Python
- mkdocs-ansible — Ansible MkDocs Theme based on mkdocs-material
- mkdocs-material-igwn — IGWN extensions to Material for MkDocs
- mkdocs-tech-docs-template — MkDocs theme that you can use to build technical documentation with a GOV.UK
- molfeat — molfeat - the hub for all your molecular featurizers
- mozilla-bigquery-etl — Tooling for building derived datasets in BigQuery
- netbox-pip — netbox but on pypi
- nl2ltl — Natural Language (NL) to Linear Temporal Logic (LTL)
- ob_graphql — A simple GraphQL client that works over Websocket as the transport protocol, instead of HTTP.
- openqdc — ML ready Quantum Mechanical datasets
- overviewpy — Easily Extracting Information About Your Data
- pelican-markdown-include — Pelican plugin for using the Markdown-Include extension
- pg-upsert — A Python library for upserting data into postgres.
- py-pane — A modern dataclass & data conversion library, focused on speed and expressiveness.
- pydantic-i18n — pydantic-i18n is an extension to support an i18n for the pydantic error messages.
- pydasher — A small set of utility functions for deterministically hashing pydantic base-models.
- pydev-cli — A single python development dependency to rule them all
- pymdgen — python code markdown documentation generator
- pynxtools-apm — Make atom probe tomography and field-ion microscopy results interoperable via NeXus