Reverse Dependencies of manim
The following projects have a declared dependency on manim:
- arrayviz — A Python package for visualizing array-based algorithms using Manim
- chanim — Manim extension for making chemistry videos
- circuitanimlib — An extension to manim that allows for easy circuit animations
- code-video-generator — Generate videos that walkthrough code
- dynamic-manim-components — A ManimCE component library, supporting component composition and automatic animation
- fei-crypto — fei crypto command utils
- FourierAnim — An animation tool to create visualisations for Fourier Series on top of manimCE
- geodynamic — Geometric tools for parsing GeoGebra construction, proccess with manim animation and export to SVG
- git-sim — Simulate Git commands on your own repos by generating an image (default) or video visualization depicting the command's behavior.
- git-story — Tell the story of your Git project by creating video animations (.mp4) of your commit history directly from your Git repo.
- hmanim — The hyperbolic extension of manim!
- manim-algorithm — computer science lib for manim(ce version)
- manim-Astronomy — A Manim extension for creating astronomical visualizations
- manim-cad-drawing-utils — A collection of utility functions to for creating CAD-like visuals in Manim.
- manim-chemistry — Manim Chemistry is a plugin for Manim which aims to make easier the animation of molecules and other chemistry-related objects such as orbitals, bohr diagrams and more.
- manim-circuit — A manim-plugin that adds custom circuit VMobject(s)
- manim-course-utils — Para el curso de ManimCE de MathLike
- manim-data-structures — A Manim implementation for data structures
- manim-devanagari — Devanagari plugin for manim
- manim-ds — Manim utilities for creating data structure animations
- manim-dsa — A Manim plugin to animate common data structures.
- manim-editor — Editor and Presenter for Manim Generated Content.
- manim-express — Animation engine for explanatory math videos
- manim-extras — Addons to Manim Community
- manim-fontawesome — Font Awesome SVG's for Manim
- manim-fonts — Use Fonts from Internet With Manim.
- manim-gearbox — This is an extension of Manim that helps drawing nice looking gears.
- manim-graphing — A Manim Plugin for Graphing
- manim-json — no summary
- manim-lamination-builder — a replacement to lamination builder that uses manim instead of the browser
- manim-livestream — Package that implements livestreaming configurations for Manim.
- manim-meshes — rendering 2D and 3D Meshes with manim for displaying and educational Purposes.
- manim-mobject-svg — Create SVG files from VMobject and VGroup in Manim
- manim-neural-network — A library for visualizing neural networks in Manim
- manim-onlinetex — A Manim Plugin that renders LaTeX for Mobjects like Tex and MathTex via online services.
- manim_onvoice — Manim Onvoice Termux for Manim
- manim-physics — Support physics simulation
- manim-play-timeline — A manim plugin providing the function play_timeline to play sequences of independent animations in parallel
- manim-plugintemplate — A template project to both illustrate and serve as an example for plugin creations on top of the manim (community edition) engine.
- manim-pptx — no summary
- manim-present — Configuration-based HTML presentation producer using Manim.
- manim-recorder — Manim plugin for recorder
- manim-rhythm-graph — A manim plugin for creating various shapes to demonstrate musical rhythm.
- manim-rubikscube — A Manim implementation of the classic Rubik's Cube
- manim-sequence-diagram — Manim extension to generate UML sequence diagrams
- manim-slides — Tool for live presentations using manim
- manim-smart-algebra — Manim plugin which simplifies the process of animating algebra
- manim-speech — Manim plugin for adding speech to videos.
- manim-studio — A GUI for Manim
- manim-svg-animations — no summary
- manim-tikz — Converts Tikz markup code into an SVGMobject for use in manim.
- manim-utils — no summary
- manim-voiceover — Manim plugin for all things voiceover
- manim-weighted-line — Adds a weighted line object to use with network graph diagrams.
- manimbook-create — Convert a Jupyter notebook to a ManimBook (compressed html documents)
- manimcs — An Animation Library for Explanitory Computer Science Videos
- manimextra — A library that extends the capabilities of Manim
- manimforge — Rust parts of the Animation Library Manim
- manimxyzmove — Utitlity to move along an (x,y,z) defined path in manim.
- manta-manim-theme — no summary
- MF-Tools — Collection of helpful utilities for Manim
- ml-anim — A simple library for building ML animations with Manim
- QREM — QREM package provides a versatile set of tools for the characterization and mitigation of readout noise in NISQ quantum devices.
- reactive-manim — A component library for ManimCE, supporting component composition and automatic animation. Supports declarative syntax for writing components inspired by React.js.
- riemapp — Manim powered complex mappings.
- swanki — An example package
- twwanim — Twin-width animation tools.
- vbanimation — no summary
- viml — A visualization library for machine learning based on Manim.
- yerba — no summary