Reverse Dependencies of manifest-ml
The following projects have a declared dependency on manifest-ml:
- chatplayground — ChatPlayground for LLMs
- guardrails-ai — Adding guardrails to large language models.
- langchain_1111_Dev_cerebrum — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langchain-by-johnsnowlabs — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langchain-ibis — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langchain-xfyun — 在LangChain中流畅地使用讯飞星火大模型
- langchaincoexpert — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langchainmsai — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langchainn — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langplus — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- llmtracer — LLMTracer: A tool to trace the execution of a program that uses LLMs and visualize the results.
- oplangchain — langchain for OpenPlugin
- ragbooster — no summary